giving the names of cities and rivers mentioned in the Bible. The group which is able to give the most correct answers wins the contest. Memory Work B “Praying always with all prayer r and supplication in the Spirit, an(l watching thereunto with all per severance and supplication for all saints” (Eph. 6:18). R “Remember me, O my God, for good” (Neh. 13:31). A “Always in every prayer of mine * * for y0U au making request with joy” (Phil. 1:4). V “Yield yourselves unto the Lord, • and e n t e r i n t o his sanctuary which he hath sanctified for ever: and serve the Lord your God” (2 ■Chron. 30:8). E “Evening, and morning, a n d at " noon, will I pray, and cry aloud” (Psa. 55:17). n “Remember, O Lord, thy tender mercies and thy loving-kindnesses; for they have been ever of old” (Psa. 25:6). New K. Y. B. C. Members FRANKLIN, N. Y.: Carolyn Mae Brown (Mrs. Helen Brown* parent). LAMONT, WASH.: Yvonne Steward (Mrs. Alvin T. Swanson, parent). LIVINGSTON MANOR, N. Y.: Wesley Verrion Gorton (Mrs. Vernon Gorton,- leader). MUNICH; N. DAK.: Marcella and Richard Adrian; Gladys Ewert; Eva Fadeni'echt; Erna Friesen; Selma Glock; Marcella Hepp- ner; Jeanna Hooge; Clayton, Clinton, Eileen, Laurence, Leonard, and JVirgeane Klein; Dopald Toews (Mrs. David Hooge, leader). TOCCOA, GA.: Jimmie Coker; Bruce Hunt; Celia Mae W h i t w o r t h ; Mazelle Wright (Elsie E. Neuton, leader). TUCSON, ^ARIZ.: Geraldine and Loretta Babcock; Richard Erickson; David Gardner; Samuel Jones; Caroline Marsh; Donna Zim mer (Mrs. Henry A. Way, sponsor). WASHINGTON, D. C.: Suzanne Gardner; Nancy .Gluscevich; Barbara Ann Hunton; Jane Lank; Carol Lowry; Caroline Miller; Leah Ross;. Betty W. Sager; Mary Ethel Young (Miss Ethel Vance, leader). How to Join the K. Y. B. Club T o become a m em ber of the K n o w Y o u r Bible Club, read through the Gospel accord ing to John, usin g either yo u r ow n Bible or a Gospel of John w h ich w ill be sent upon request. W h e n the Gospel has been read and a statem ent to th is effect, signed by parent or Sunday-school, teacher, has been sent to the E d itor of the Ju n io r K in g 's B usin ess, a K. Y. B. C. pin w ill be mailed. S u n d a y- school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or m ore Gospels or pins m a y w ish to share the cost of these supplies, as^the Lord d i rects: Gospels, postpaid five cents each— in quantity, three cents; pine, w ithout postage, tw o cents each. How ever, no one is to do w ithout a Gospel or pin because of lack of m oney. A d dre ss: Ju n io r K in g 's Business, 558 $. H ope St.,7 L o s A ngele s 13, Calif.
had no time to believe; he was too busy begging. Not long a^ter, a bomb dropped close to him. As he was hurt, his mind turned to what the old lady had said, and he called on Jesus to save him. The Lord answered, and He will do the same for you if you ask Him to save you from your sin. Then the beggar boy went back and found the old lady, and learned all he could from her about the Lord. Now' wherever he goes, he witnesses and sings gospel choruses. He has such a bright, happy face. I asked him whether he would like to go to . a short term Bible school for three weeks and his fade was aglow as .he an swered, “That would be more than I could ask.” Upon his return he said with a thrill, “Just think, while I was there the Lord enabled me to memorize seventy verses of Scripture!” Can you boys and girls do as well? The other day he bought a Bible. Al though he is too blind to read, he said, “A soldier always carries his sword.” And that is how this beggar boy became a good soldier of Jesus Christ!—C. Richard Hillis. Bible Birds Rearrange the following jumbled words so that they will spell the names of birds mentioned in the Bible. Opposite each bird’s name, correctly spelled, write the reference where it is found in God’s Word. The answers will appear next month. 1. voed ........ ..................—....... ...... 2. naevr.................................. ...... 3. leega .........?....:*........................... 4. prarosw .................. ................... 5. goienps...............................: 6. leeduvttors ......... ...... 7. anepilc ............................... 7..... 8. rotsk ..........................*__ ______ 9. lawowsl ..................................... 10. kecopacs ___ ....................... ...... 11. romoartnc ................................. 12. low ..................... ......................... 13. reiarpgdt ................... L............... 14. cstohir.................. 7.................. 15. aercn .............7.__.7.................... .. Bible Guessing Game This game may be played (1) by two groups—as a group of girls against a group of boys, (2) 'by , one person standing before a group and asking the question, (3) or by two groups lined up as for a spelling match. A name of a Bible character is given such as “Abraham.” The answer should be a Bible character whose name be gins with the last letter in the name given. “M” is the last letter in “Abra ham,” so “Moses” might be the name given as an answer. “S” is the last let ter in “Moses,” and therefore “Samuel” might be the response. This game may also be played by
what would make you sick. Birds are born knowing what bugs and worms they can eat, and which ones to leave alone. In nature the general law is that anything heavier than air will not float in air. Birds have a very high temperature in their Sodies which in you would be a dangerous fever. This heats up the air in their bodies so that they are in a sense tiny, hot-air bal loons. This helps them to rise when they fly. Their bones are hollow so as to reduce weight, and no engineer that ever graduated from college could build a machine as perfect as the body of a bird. Birds were created to be of service to men. Our battle to exist is largely a struggle against insect enemies. Bugs would eat up our crops and spoil our houses if the, birds did not eat them. Every time you see a bird, you should think of God and His wisdom in creating everything that man needs. Do you have as much sense as a sparrow? The sparrow serves God where God intended' it to be of use to Him. It never sins by disobeying God; it is always obedient to God’s will. I hope that the love of the Lord Jesus Christ in your hearts will keep you, too, always obedient to His will. A Beggar Becomes a Soldier Early one morning a beggar lad came to the Mission station in Shen- ,kiu, China. His dirty, ragged clothes were anything but what would make a little boy happy, yet the joy on his face was so real that I asked him to tell me his story. Do you sometimes feel sorry for yourself? You won’t after you hear that he is almost blind, that his par ents are dead, and that his home is un der the Yellow River. Once while beg ging, an old lady gave him food and told him to believe in Jesus. But he
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