King's Business - 1943-09



He was rich (Matt. 19:22). Luke adds that he was “very rich” (18:23). He was outwardly moral (Matt. 19:20). Evidently he did not under­ stand the inner meaning of the law, but marks of sin had not yet disfig­ ured his face or body. He was the object of the Saviour’s peculiar love (Mk. 10:21). 2. Note the man's mistaken ideas. In spite of his fine qualities and excel­ lent opportunities, the rich y o u n g ruler had some very incorrect ideas— typical of the ideas of many so-called religious and moral men today. He had a mistaken idea about Christ. He looked upon Christ as be­ ing merely a good nianr He addressed Him as though He were on the same level as any other prominent rabbi. Jesus repudiated his address, saying, in effect, “Why call ye Me good, un­ less you recognize Me as Deity?” (cf. Matt. 19:17). Only one is good in the absolute sense. That One is God, and the young man was looking into the face of God manifested in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16). He had a m i s t a k e n idea about salvation. He was s e e k i n g to-be saved by “ doing” instead of by “be-

LESSON: When the Lord Jesus was here on earth, an unhappy rich man went to see Him. The rich man knew the Word of God very well, but he did not understand one thing—that to be truly happy he needed to let the Lord Jesus use everything that was his. The rich man thought, top, that “ eternal life,” or the right to live for­ ever with the Lord Jesus, was some­ thing he could haye by being good. He said to Jesus, “Teacher, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” (v. 16). The Lord Jesus wanted to show him that eternal life is a gift from God, and that the way to receive it is just to obey the Saviour’s words, “Come and follow me” (v. 21). But ’the rich man loved his money most of all. When he was told, “Go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven” (v. 21),, the rich man “went away sorrowful” (v. 22). If he had been willing to let the Lord Jesus have and use all that he had, even the things he liked best, he would have been happy. This is the way we, too, can be happy. Object Lesson • C andles a n d C om m a n dm e n t s OBJECTS: Ten candles, and a board with ten holes, which the candles will fit, bored in it. LESSON: As we name each of the Ten Commandments, I* will place these ten candles in this board. Now I want to tell you a story. Mrs. Smith had been noticing that her son, Wal­ ter, was walking home from school with Bill, a very bad boy. She ex­ plained to Walter that it was harm­ ful for a boy who was trying to do right to associate with a boy who was always doing wrong. On Sunday afternoon, Walter asked for permission to go walking with David, one of the finest fellows he knew. As soon as he was but of his mother’s sight, he turned toward Bill’s home,' instead of going to David’#. What commandment had he broken?, The fifth says, “Honor thy father and thy mother,” and the n i n t h says, “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” We shall break the fifth and ninth candles, representing the command­ ments broken by Walter. Bill was at the gate waiting for Walter, and they started immediately for the swimming pool with Bill’s gang. What other commandment was David breaking? Yes, the fourth, “Re­ member the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” We shall break the fourth candle. Walter was not in the habit of swearing, but his shoe string broke as he was taking off his shoes, and he took God’s name in vain. He


TAIOK nOT THAT IAm COPIE. TO DESTBOy THE LALU, OR THE PROPHETS.: IAm nOT COPIE TO^ESTROy, È>ET'TC^EULEIL* itwtt . 5 : i 7 m ~~ ~ lâti I 10 ' 3 43 1 l ■ ; o_ J 5 lieving” (Matt. 19:16). Eternal life is the “gift” of God (Rom. 6:23) for poor, lost sinners who are utterly in­ capable of doing anything to merit salvation. •He had a mistaken idea about him­ self (cf. Matt. 19:20). When Christ saw that he was trusting in himself, He pointed him to the law which re­ veals what a man really is. By his unwillingness to sell his goods and give to the poor, the man showed clearly that he had broken the second table of the law which exhorts men to love their neighbors as themselves. He had a mistaken idea as to the true object of one’s affections. For him, they were set upon things on earth- instead of upon things above. ? Golden Text Illustration M a t t h e w 5:17 - A club of boys started to play ball in the street, but their consciences told them it was not r i g h t , and they finally came fo the' leader of their club and said: “Please tell us whether it is right to play baseball in the streets.” “Why do you ask me?” the leader replied. “You know there is an ordi­ nance against playing b a l l in the streets of New York.” Their reply well illustrates human nature the world over. “Oh, Miss Buck,” they said, “if you would only forbid us to do it, it would be so much easier.”— Rochester Times. An Unhappy Rich Mqn M a t t h e w 19:16-22 MEMORY VERSE: “The word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth” (Psa. 33:4). AIM: To show that when we give to the ¡Lord Jesus the things we like most, we are happy. APPROACH: Sometimes boys and girls are asked to share their toys with

My attention has been called to several complaints of persons ordering books of Danielle Pub­ lishers, through advertisements appearing in THE KING'S BUSI­ NESS. In nearly every case, it was a delay or loss in the mails. In San Diego especially, the post office has had to put on new and amateur carriers, and they nat­ urally make more mistakes than used to be the average. We find, too, that, parcel post—especially books going on the reduced rate —is slower nowadays. Our fixed policy is this: When people report not receiving a book, we always send another. We duplicate orders whenever it is reported that sufficient time has elapsed and no book has been received. We make good all losses, even when we have proof that the book was sent. So, if any complaints come to you, ask the customers to’ wait a fair length of time for the book to come through, and then write us, giving circumstances of the order, and we will send a duplicate.

other children. Per- h a p s y o u h a v e heard them say, “But, Mother, shall I send my best • doll? My biggest t r a i n ? ” A f t e r ­ wards, when they have g i v e n the t h i n g s they like most, t h e y feel glad.

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