T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
everybody can love and trust the Lord Jesus, just as everybody drinks water in order to be Well and strong. The woman at the well had been told that only certain; groups of persons could worship God, but this was not true. Then the Lord Jesus showed her that just as water is everywhere —in country places and cities and towns— so one may worship the Lord any where, without traveling to some spe cial place. He showed her, «too, that in order to do a person good; one must take the pure, fresh water that is offered, and drink it. In the same way, we must receive the Lord JFesus into our lives, and He will make us pure and clean. As He' talked, the woman knew that Jesus was the Son of God, and that He was speaking right to her! Per haps she felt,- then, like saying to Him, softly, as we say in prayer, “Hallowed be thy name” (Matt. 6:9). She “left her waterpot, and went her way into the city, and saith to the men . . . is not this the Christ?” (John 4:28, 29). And as they heard the story of the drink of water, and the one who received it, they “came unto him” (v. 30). All of them were learning what true worship is. Object Lesson T h e W a v to W orsh ip OBJECTS: A piece of white paper 8*Ax21 inches. (Fold 3% inches from each end toward the middle, making the size 8%xl4i4 inches. Fold each end 3% nearer the middle making the size 8%x7%. Now fold sections 1 and 3 tightly against section 2, and you will find that they will lack % inch of meeting each other. In this space write the word “WORSHIP,” be ginning near the top and printing to ward the bottom. Open, and on this center section draw lines to represent the stones of an altar. On sections 1 and 3 print in large letters the word “SIN.” With these sections folded to ward the center, the word “WORSHIP” E xo d u s 20:8 Rem em ber the sabbath d a y, to keep it holy. 9 S ix d a ys shalt thou labor, and do all thy w ork: 10 B u t the seventh d a y is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do an y w ork, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, th y m anservant, nor th y m aid* servant, nor th y cattle, nor thy stranger that is w ith in th y gates: 11 F o r in six d a ys the Lord m ade h e a v en and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: w herefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Isa ia h 58:13 If thou turn aw a y th y foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on m y holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable; and shalt honor him , not doing thine ow n w ays, nor fin d in g thine ow n pleasure, nor soeakin a thine ow n w ords:
2. A jeolous reverence (20:4, 5). No image—whether oT other gods or of God Himself—is to be made or rev erenced.' 3. A practical reverence (20:7). In the daily lifl, thè honor of God’s name is to be upheld. There àre dif ferent ways of taking God’s name in vain: (1) by profanity; (2) by hypoc risy; (3) by using His name lightly; (4) by covenant-breaking, and (5) by the taking of oaths. 4. A filial reverence .(Matt. 6:9). If sons and daughters show honor and "respect to earthly .fathers, how much more should they show respect to the heavenly Father! ■ 5. A spiritual reverence "(John 4:23, 24). , Only they who are .pos sessed ' with i the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit Ore able to revere God properly. The more completely a Christian is filled with thè Spirit, the more perfect will his worship be. Thus again we are led' to see the impor tance of the injunction, “Be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). Golden Text Illustration J o h n 4:24 Some years ago, William E. Glad stone, the great English statesman, was cutting a tree down; the relic hunters were standing around waiting for a chance to get the chips as relics.- One of them succeeded in getting a large chip, and was so delighted that he said to the crowd, “Hey, lads, when I die, this shall go in nay coffin!” This was too much for his sensible wife to hear and keep quiet, so she said at once, “Sam, my lad, if thou’d worship God as thou worships Glad stone, thou’d stand a better chance of going w h e r e the chips would not burn.”—Our Young People. Beside a Well E xodus 20:3-7; M a t t h e w 4 :10 ; 6 :9 ; ' J o h n 4 (esp. vs. 23, 24) MEMORY VERSE: “I will praise thy name, O Lord; for it is good” (Psa. 54:6). AIM: To shqw that the simplest events of our daily lives may help us to worship God. APPROACH: Once, when the Lord Jesus was here on earth, He was sit* ting beside a well when a woman came to draw water. (Tell the story as fully as may be desired.) He
is visible. On sections 4 and 5 using- th' “O” and “I” in “WORSHIP” com plete “ GOD” and “SIN.” ' Fold.half of each loose front flap (sections 4 and 5) toward the center, leaving % inch between them. On these folded flaps, using the “O,” “S,” and “I” in “WOR SHIP," complete the 1words, “GOD,” “JESUS,” and “SIN.” Draw a red line around the word “JESUS” and along the edges of the paper, making„a red cross.) LESSON: We have a paper with lines to represent an altar, on which is written the word “WORSHIP.” The altar was used by the children of Israel as a means of worship. They were commanded to Worship God in stead of idols (.Ex. 20:3-5). Over and over again sin came in to hinder wor ship. As I fold these flaps over the altar, you will see the word “SIN.” Now we see “SIN” in the “WORSHIP” of God. This is something that God never permits (John 4:24). Because sin hindered the worship of God, Jesus Christ came into the world to die .on the cross. As I fold the flaps forward again, we see a cross and the word “JESUS” on it, standing between “SIN” and. “GOD.” When the cross 'of Christ is between our,sin and God, then we can worship. Rejoice and be glad! The Redeemer has come! Go look on His cradle, His cross, and His tomb. —Horatius Bonar. 14 T he n shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I w ill cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee w ith the heritage of Jacob th y father: for the m outh of the Lord hath spoken it. M a rk 2:23 A n d it cam e to pass, that he w ent through the corn fields on the sa b bath d ay; and h is disciples began, as they went, to pluck the ears of corn. # 24 A n d the P ha risee s said unto him, Behold, w h y do they on the sabbath d ay that w h ich is not la w fu l? 25 A n d he said unto them, H a ve ye never read w h at D a vid did, w hen he had need, and w a s ahungered, he, and they that were w ith h im ? 26 H o w he w ent into the house of God in the d a ys of A b ia th a r the high priest, and did eat the show bread, w hich is not law ful to eat but for the priests, and gave also to them w hich w ere w ith h im ? 27 A n d he said unto them , T h e sabbath
OCTOBER 17, 1943 JESUS AND THE SABBATH E xodus 20:8-11 ; I sa ia h 58:13, 14; M a r k 2:23 to 3:6
asked her kindly for a drink, and when she gave it to Him, He began to teach her some wonderful lessons that we may learn, too. LESSON : The first lesson is that
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