King's Business - 1943-09


September 1943

giving reverence and honor to His parents, so He “went . . . and was subject unto them.’’ Knowing what and who He was, and for what pur­ pose He had come, His eighteen years of submissive obedience to His par­ ents was as great a thing as any He ever performed. It was fulfilling the fifth commandment. His obedience to His, parents and His honor of them were manifested during those years of waiting and training—eighteen years of training for three years of work! But those years were in the will of God for Him. Whatever His Father’s will might be, the Lord Jesus welcomed it, as later on He said, “Not my will, but thine, be done,” because He had “come to do thy will, O God” (cf. Psa. 40; Heb. 10:9; Lk. 22:39-46). “SHOPPING AT RALPHS” IS AN OLD SOUTHERN CALIFORN IA CUSTOM Today in spite of rationing and shortages, YOU’LL find that “ shopping at RALPHS’* still means the ultimate in shopping satlsfap- tion. SHOP AT RALPHS GREETINGS FROM SIBERIA Thus begins a letter-received recently at our office. It continues . . I beg you . . . send us food and clothes—we have used up everything. Some clothes we had to ex­ change for flour and potatoes,- but now all is gone—we have nothing more to exchange. One of my sons died. I have to pay war tax 100 roubles, but have no money. . . While we are enjoying “ the four free­ doms” , let us rush all possible help to Christians in different circumstances. Read more about our .work in many lands in our magazine “ The Friend of Russians” , sample copy free on request. 'Subscription 50c per annum, but the magazine will be sent free for any donation to the Russian Gospel and relief work. Send your gifts for helping the saints-in- need and. for distribution of Bibles among the Russians to the RUSSIAN M ISSIO NA RY SOCIETY, Inc. Rev. F. J. Miles, International Secretary 1844 W. Monroe St., Rm. 2, Chicago 12, III, In Canada: Rev. J. Russell, 106 Winnett Ave., Toronto, Ont.

week; then .they get excited on Sun­ day, remembering their M o n d a y .classes, and they study on Sunday, stealing part of God’s time. All there ilHeft of this apple now is the peeling and core. This is the way God’s day is often treated. God has given us six days in which to work, and He wants us to worship Him on Sunday.

Other people are guilty of working on Sunday, thinking that they do not have enough time through the week in which to work. We shall cut off another slice of God’s apple., I know a boy who goes fishing on Sunday. He is stealing a part of God’s day. There are others who play when they should be studying during the

OCTOBER 24, 1943 HONORING OUR PARENTS E xodus 20:12; L u k e 2:48-51; M a r k 7:6-13; J o h n 19:25-27

The reviling of parents, or cursing, was punishable by death. Israel was told over and over to "hearken unto thy father . . . and despise not thy mother.” Even .the Rechabites were held up as an example for Israel in Jeremiah’s day. Along with the com­ mand, there went a promise for obedi­ ence as indicated by the words, “that thy days may be long upon the land” '(cf. Ex. 21:17; Lev. 19:3; 20:9; Deut. 21:18-21; 27:16; Prov. 23:22; 30:17; Matt. 15:4; 19:19). II. T h e E x a m p l e of J esus (Lk. 2:48-51; John 19:25-27) These two passages contain two ex­ amples of our Lord Jesus in His hon­ oring of His parents—one at the be­ ginning and one at the close of His earthly life. The first instance was at Jerusalem when, having tarried in the temple among the seers, He was rebuked by His mother for causing His parents trouble. His answer re­ veals that He knew even then.why He was there, although He was still a boy under the control of His parents. But there was also an obligation upon Him concerning His heavenly Father’s business of which Joseph and Mary were unaware, and He must be about that business. Humanly speaking, it was that must that made Him great. His Father’s business included His

E xo d u s 20:12 H onor thy father and thy m other: that thy d a ys m ay be lono upon the land w hich the Lord thy God -giveth thee. L u k e 2:48 A n d w hen they saw him, they were am azed: and his m other said unto him, Son, w h y hast thou thu s dealt w ith u s? behold, thy father and I have sou ght thee sorrow ing. 49 A n d he said unto them, H o w is it that ye sou ght m e? w ist ye not that I m ust be about m y F a th e r’s b u sin e ss? 50 A n d they understood not the sa yin g w hich he spake unto them. 51 A n d he w ent dow n w ith them, and cam e to N azareth, and w a s subject unto them : but his m other kept all these s a y -' in gs in her heart. M a rk 7:6 H e answ ered and said unto them , W ell hath E sa ia s prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is w ritten, T h is people honoreth me w ith their lips, but their heart is fa r from . me. 7 H ow beit in vain* do they w orship me, teaching for doctrines the com m andm ents of men. 8 F o r laying aside the com m andm ent of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the w a sh in g of pots and cups: and m any other such like th in gs ye do. 9 A n d he said unto them , Fu ll well ye re je ct1the com m andm ent of God, that ye m a y keep yo u r ow n tradition. 10 F o r M o s e s 's a id , H ono r th y father and th y m other; and, W h o so curseth fa ­ ther or mother, let him die the. death: 11 B u t ye say, If ,a m an shall sa y to h is father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by w h atsoe ver 'th o u m ightest be profited by me; he shall be free. 12 A n d ye suffer him no m ore to do a u gh t for his father or his m other; 13 M a k in g the w ord of God of none e f­ fect through yo u r tradition, w hich ye have delivered: and m any such like th in gs do John 19:25 N ow there stood by the cross of Je su s his mother, and his m other’s sister, M a ry the w ife of Cleophas, and M a ry Magdalene. 26 W h e n Je su s therefore sa w his m oth-, er, and the disciple stan d ing by, w hom he loved, he saith unto his mother, W om an, be­ hold th y son! 27 T he n saith he to the disciple, B e ­ hold th y m other! A n d from that hour that disciple took her -unto his ow n home. G O L D E N T E X T : “ C hildren, obey your parents in the Lord : for th is is rig h t" (Ep h . 6:1). D E V O T IO N A L R E A D IN G : Prov. 4:10-18. Outline and Exposition I. T h e C om m a n d (Ex. 20:12) T HE HONOR due to parents was as being the- heads of the home, and therefore to be honored by obedience.

NEW . . .

SCRIPTURE PANORAMA Synthetic Bible Study. For Senior and Adult Groups. This new study fol­ lows the Highlights of Scripture course of the Gospel Light Series Sunday School Lessons. Book I (Ready Oct. I, 1943) GENESIS TO NEHEM IAH Teacher’s Manual 50c Student’s Book 15c

constantly pressed upyn Israel both by word and deed. They were to fear, that is, reverence, parents

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