September 1943
learned this l e s s o n , although few lessons pay m'ore for the learning. Somi men study to be doctors in order that they may be paid large amounts of money for helping people get well. Others study to be engineers in order that they may erect great buildings, and be paid large, amounts. You are wondering what a child re ceives who honors his parents. He may not receive great sums of money, but he will receive something better than money, for we read, “Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the t Lord thy God giveth thee” (Ex. 20:12). The nation of Israel is still oh the earth, partly due to the fact that they have honored their parents. If the young people of our nation would honor their parents, it would help to preserve the life of ,our country.
SPECIALS— Limited Quantities Everyday cards, 14 in box, 60c each. 2 for 80c. Agents—lots of 10, 35c a box. FOR CHRISTMAS: 20 oileite folders, each like an oil painting. Neat, novel, new. 21 De Luxe Scripture folders. Either box $1.00, both for $1.60 postpaid through Zone 4. Zones 5-8 add 15c for extra postage. H. L. DeVALL 52 Woodbridge Ave. New Brunswick, N. J.
If we open these flaps, we will find something more about the honor spoken of in the Bible; We now learn who is to be honored and by whom. We read, “FATHER, MOTHER, LEARN, LESSON, and CHILDREN.” It is our parents who are to be honored. Chil dren are commanded to learn this lesson. To honor our parents means to respect, obey, and love them. I am afraid that many children have not
Quentin Reynolds, war correspondent, stood as an observer on the deck of a cruiser just off Dieppe as the< world’s fiercest and biggest commando raid was in progress!; A barge came along- side and discharged Ybout 30 men— nearly all wounded. A young\sergeant with a superficial arm wound Vas among them. To the correspondent’s questions he said, grinning, “ I knew nothing could happen to me, I had a swell mascot—*a Bible.” He dug down into his water-soaked clothes and came out with a sodden little book. “My father carried it all through the last war, and he never got hurt. SoVvhen I left he gave it to me, and believg me I’ll always carry it.” What an illustration of dependence upon the Bible, God’s Word, as a Life Saver! Yes, of course, a real LIFE Saver. And you may put it down right now, that’s wh boys and girls come to your Sunday School: to learn how the Bible can be a “ Life” Saver. Show them the “Way of Life” frcJlj the Bible by using the MX dU d M of Sunday School Lessons Investigate this Series,' which is graded into five departments (Beginner. Primary, Junior, Intermediate, Senior ) with specially designed flannelgraph aids if>t Beginner an<^ Primary groups: has other visual aid for the Juniors; worship service for each departtm geared to the lesson-each Sunday; helps the:pupy “ get** the lesson through fascinatingmanuals; capture/teen age interest; and is economical to adopt and maintain.
OCTOBER 31, 1943 BIBLE TEACHINGS ON ABSTINENCE (International Temperance Sunday) L eviticus 10:1, 2, 8-11; P roverbs 31:4, 5; L u k e 1:13-16
Leviticu s 10:1 A n d N adab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took either of them his censer, and put fire therein, and put in cense thereon, and offered^ strange ' fire before the Lord, w hich he comm anded them not. 2 A n d there w ent out fire from the Lord, and devoured them, and they died before the Lord. 10:8 A n d the Lord spake unto Aaron, saying, * 9 Do not d rin k w ine nor stron g drink, thou, nor thy sons w ith thee, w hen ye go into the tabernacle of the congregation, lest ye die: it shall be a statute for ever throughout yo u r générations: 10 A n d that ye m ay put difference be tween holy and unholy, and between u n clean and clean; 11 A nd that ye m ay teach the children of Isra el all the statutes w hich the Lord hath spoken unto them by the hand of Moses. Proverbs 31:4 It is not for kings, O Lem uel, it is not for k ln gs^ to d rin k w ine; nor for princes strong drink*: 5 L est they drink, and forget the law, and pervert the Judgm ent of a n y of the afflicted. L u k e 1:13 B ut the angel said unto him, F e a r not, Z acharias: for th y prayer is heard; and thy w ife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John. 14 A n d thou shalt have Joy and gla d ness; and m a n y shall rejoice at his birth. 15 F o r he shall be great in the sigh t of the Lord, and shall d rin k neither w ine nor strong d rink; and he shall be filled w ith the H o ly Ghost, even from h is m other’s womb. 16 A n d m any of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God. BLACKBOARD LESSON r mUAPEJ TWE£,flflD DfcinKHOTUJ1D£ no& sTRono piling; JUD&.3-.4 ■JOHd- SHALL BE. GREAT in THE SIGHT OF
G O L D E N T E X T : “ Bew are, I pray thee, and d rin k not w ine n o r' s t r o n g d rin k “ (Judg. *13:4). D E V O T IO N A L R E A D IN G : Psa. 4.
Outline and Exposition L
P r e su m p t io n A gain st A bstinence (Lev. 10:1, 2) N ADAB AND Abihu were regu the priests, and they thereby met their death. It was not a question of their souls’ eternal welfare that was in volved; it was a question of priestly service, and God wps acting in govern ment of those who were leaders of the people. God must be honored by those who draw nigh to Him on bd- half of others; and the higher the position among the people, the greater the responsibility. If. T h e P rotection of A bstinence (Lev. 10:8-11; Prov. 31:4, 5) Aaron was warned against the use of strong drink when going into the .presence of the Lord, "lest ye die.” This was to be a perpetual warning throughout all Aaron’s generations. The excitement of nature stirred by strong drink must have no place in the individual who would stand before the Lord. Only the holy exhilaration which the Holy Spirit creates can find acceptance before Him. In the classification of the children of Israel, the outer circle was made up of the warriors of the nation; the next by the Levites; and the last, or inner circle, nearest to God, was composed
larly appointed priests, but they presumed to act inde pendently of the law that governed
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