September 1943
from Boston, fell in with a burly, red-faced Chicagoan who had evi dently just been patronizing thè hotel bar. In the course of their conver sation the man from Chicago said: “What are you fellows trying to do down at the Battery? You are hot On temperance, I see by the papers. Do you think you could make a temper ance man out of me?” "No,” replied the delegate, “wè evi dently couldn’t do much with you, but we are after your boy.” At this unexpected retort the man dropped his jocular tone and said seri ously, “Well, I guess you have got the right ; of it. If somebody had been after me when I was a boy I would- be a better man today.” —The Golden Rule. A Name to Make L uke 1:13-16, 25-80 MEMORY VERSE: “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold” (Prov. 22:1). • AIM: To teach appreciation of the name “Christian.” APPROACH: Each of us has some thing that belongs only to us. It is our name. Father, or Mother, or some other person gave us our name. To was to help in the temple, God’s house. While he was doing his work there one day, God sent an angel to tell him the glad news that soon there would be a little son in his home. And God’s messenger said: “Thou shalt call his name John.” The name, “John,” meant something very important. It meant that this boy would grow up to be great in the sight of the Lord; that he would be g00(j—never drinking wine; and that he would help many people to love and trust the Lord Jesus. When all the friends and relatives came to see the baby, they wanted to call him by the same name that his father had. But Zacharias wrote on a tablet for everybody to read: “His , name is John” (v. 63). Zacharias knew that this name which God had given was better for his little son than any other name would be, because it meant so much. God has also given a very special name to those who love and trust the Lord Jesus Christ—the name of Chris tian. We know that this is the best name by w h i c h any one can be called, because of what it means. s-Division day’s l e s s o n is about a boy whose name was given to .him by God. LESSON: A good m a n , Zacharias, and his wife Elisa beth, were lonely because they had no children. The work of Zacharias
Dr. Frank H. Guernsey OPTOMETRIST 415 Park Central Bldg. 412 West Sixth Street, Near Hill
VAndike 1928
Los Angeles, 14
Object Lesson S tran g e S trands
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OBJECT: A small rope with three strands, six feet long. (Separate the strands and dye one black, one yellow, and one green. Twist the strands back together. If a rope is not available, use yarn or string and twist or braid together. Make a noose in one end of the rope.) LESSON: I brought with me today the strangest rope you have ever seen. It is yellow, green, and black. It is the drunkard’s rope, with which he hangs himself. The drunkard’s rope has yellow in it. When people say that a person is “yellow,” they ftiean that he is a coward. Young people who drink whiskey often think they are showing bravery by drinking, but- in reality they are cowards and cannot bear to have their companions laugh at them. If they were really brave, they, would say “No.” Another color in this drunkard’s rope is green. People often are called “green” because they are ignorant or lack experience. .Often a person will drink whiskey because he igno rantly believes that it will help him to forget his .sorrows. He is “green” and does not know that sooner or later he will have to awaken and face his sorrows. The other color in this drunkard’s rope is black, the color which speaks of sin. Many murders have been com mitted by people when they were drunk. Drink leads to broken homes, to poverty, and to many terrible crimes. James, come and let me slip this noose over your. head. The more you struggle, the tighter It becomes. The drunkard hangs himself with the rope of cowardice, ignorance, and sin. You wouldn’t want to let the drunkard’s rope bind you,-would you, James? In the strength of the Lord Jesus, refuse to take the first drink, and you will never become a drunkard.
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