September 1943
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The Scroll of the La,w
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A Beautiful Jew ish A n tiq u ity
The Official Organ of THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc. "Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood", (Rev. 1:5). THE KINGS BUSINESS Vol. XXXIV No. 9
The Scroll Is the most Sacred thing in the Jewish Synagogue. Christ read His introductory mes sage from the scroll in the Syna gogue. Every Bible Student ought to have one of these miniature scrolls. Our Offer We want you to read The Chos en People, edited by Joseph Hoff man Cohn, son of- the late Ex- Rabbi. Leopold Cohn, and consid-' ered by many Bible students the most helpful paper on prophecy and the Jew published in Amer ica. It gives you inspiring reports of the world-wide activities of the American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc.' Also, we want you to read the life story of Ex-Rabbi Leopold Cohn, written by himself in a six- ty-page booklet—one of the most thrilling stories ypu have ever read. Jews are really accepting the Lord Jesus Christ. The price of the Scroll is 50 cents, and The Chosen People is 50 cents a year. Mr. Cohn’s auto biography is 30 cents. Send us $1 and we will mail you ’ALL and enter1 your name for a year’s sub scription for The Chosen People; if not satisfied we’ll return your money without a question. And may we remind you also of the continuous need of our Missionary undertakings. O u r work merits your every confi dence. It is a program of world wide Gospel testimony to the Jews. Your fellowship in prayer and gift is always welcomed and appreciated. The Chosen People is of course sent to all contribu to rs. American Board ojf Missions to the Jews, Inc. 31 Throop Are., Brooklyn 6 , N. Y.
The True-to-the-Bible Family Magazine TABLE OF CONTENTS
Around the King’s Table —Louis T . T a lb o t ....................................................... 323 Significance of the News — Dan Gilbert .............................................................324 Note of Triumph— Harold. John Ockenga.. ...................... ................................. 325 How the "Spirit-filled Life is Maintained — Ruth Paxson. ...................................326 “ Chaplain, What About Missions ?”— James B , M cLeroy ______________ ....328 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box .;.................. ..................... ..........................................331 Curbstone Commission —Marjorie F. Zimmerman., ____ ____________________332 Junior King’s Business —Martha S. Hooker ......................................................... 335 International Lesson Commentary ................................................ .......... ............ 337 Notes on Christian Endeavor —Lillian Palmberg, Ralph J. .Colburn, Vivian Fusby, Lyman A . Wendt, Marguerite Goodner Owen .................348 Daily Devotional Readinigs ....................................................................................352 Bible Institute Family Circle ........................ ....................................................... 357 Our Literature T a b le ............ ................................................................................... 359 IN F O R M A T IO N —“ The King’s Business” is published monthly: Í1.00, one yr.; $1.50, two yrs.; 50 cents, six months; 10 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and for eign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of ad dress to become effective. Please send both~Dld and new addresses. R E M IT T A N C E —Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express o
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