King's Business - 1943-09

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


OCTOBER 24, 1943 NOT FALLING, BUT CLIMBING INTO LOVE G enesis 29:15-20 By Lyman A. Wendt Introduction

Lord spake often* one to another" (Mai. 3:16). How sorely Such fellow­ ship is needed today! People are looking for some one to lead them into a closer walk with the Lord. Will you be such a one (Psa. 119:63; Matt. 18:19)? Christian friendship must be loyal, sincere, unselfish, trustworthy, and appreciative. We must learn to bear the burdens of others, to exercise a great and real interest in the welfare of our brothers and sisters jn Christ in order to make friends (Prov. 18:24; Phil. 2:3, 4). There is to be a forgiving spirit among Christian friends. The Lord Himself said to forgive- “seventy times seven,” to( settle a matter with a per­ son himself, not by talking behind his back (Matt. 18:15-22). II. THE GREATEST FRIENDSHIP. When you come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, you know the greatest Friend of all time. “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). Friendship'with the Son of God will satisfy as no human friend­ ship can ever do. In the heart of every person throughout the world, there is an inward restlessness until that perfect rest is found which being a f r i e n d of God can give (Matt. 11:28-30). . III. FRIENDSHIPS FROM SCRIPTURE. David and Jonathan illustrate a friendship tried and proved. We are told that their souls were knit to­ gether and that Jonathan loved David “ as his own soul” (1 Sam. 18:1). Jona­ than expressed his love in a practical way, first, by giving David his own robe, garments, sword, bow, and girdle to use, and then by protecting him from the anger of Saul, Real friend­ ship will stand such acid tests in the time of trouble. And friends will hot forget. Years later when David was king, he asked for any one of the descendants of Saul to come that he might “show him kindness for Jona­ than’s sake” '(2 Sam. 9:1). Mephibo- sheth was brought before David, and David generously made him a par­ taker with him of his bountiful bless­ ings. True friendship is lasting. Ruth and Naomi- would tell us that loyal friendship brings rich dividends. Ruth 1:16, 17 is a beautiful picture of inseparable friends among relatives. Wherein Ruth sacrificed, she gained tenfold and the Lord was- honored, and it is the same today in our friendships. Abraham proves that trust is the foundation of friendship. Abraham was called the “ friend of God” (Jas. 2:23). The outstanding characteristic of Abraham was that he “believed God,” and even human friendship can be founded only where there is com­ plete, mutual trust and confidence.

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Through Jacob’s entire life, manage­ ment took the place of trust, as it does in the life of many a Christian. No­ where is this more common than in the selection of a “ life companion,” and thé results are obvious—confusion and unhappiness, evert among Chris­ tians. The story o f: Jacob’s manner of getting a.wife contains some poihts for serious consideration. For Those Who Have Topics, I. THÉ PEOPLE (Gen. 24; 27; 28; 29). 1. Jacob, the supplanter, crook, and schemer, stole his brother Esau’s blessing and through fear had to flee. Nevertheless, he was the possessor of the promise, 2. Laban was a characteristic Jew. Jacob apparently resembled his uncle Laban (v: 14) who was, if possible, even more scheming than he. Laban was older, more experienced, and had no experimental knowledge of “grace.” > Laban’s deception of Jacob is an illustration of the verse, - “with the same measure that ÿe mete withal it shall be measured to you again’' (Lk. 6:38). Jacob had deceived his father, and now he reaps a little of what he had sown. “The way of trans­ gressors is hard”—fourteen years! - 3. Leah was the original, unwanted, old-maid sister (v. 26), being seven years without a suitor. She was weak- eyed (v. 17), extremely nearsighted, or afflicted with one of the common oriental eye infections. 4. Rachel was Leah’s younger sister. The Bible, unlike newspapers, does not label every woman it deals with as “ attractive.” Only three or four are so recorded, and Rachel is one. The Scripture (v. 17), seems to indicate a beauty of form and of face. With four such characters coming together, interesting events are bound to occur. II. THE PROPOSITION.(Gen. 29:15-#)). 1. Genuine love Is worth more than any material consideration (vs. 15, 18; cf. Cant. 8:7). In those days only slaves, young boys, and unmarried girls cared for sheep. Jacob, though an heir, took the place of a servant— for love! 2. Genuine love inspires one to mul­ tiplied effort (vs. 27, 28). 3. Genuine love makes sacrificial effort seem trivial (vs. 20, 27, 28). Though the price be doubled, love does not hesitate to pay. 4. Genuine love is not dimmed by time (vs. 20, 30).


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