September 1943
There we have an ex*»"5£S of a “planned” m a rn a i. Ina therefore a very happy Ofte. Since Gad ordained and established marriage, it would seem logical to consult Him before taking such an important step. The Bible is full of exhortations on many aspects of home life,,- both economic and spiritual, but there are four specific obligations which, if met according to God’s commands, will do much to make the happiest of Chris tian homes. For Those Who Have Topics l . OBLIGATION TO GOD—SERVICE (Josh. 24:15). The basis of a happy home is of course the marriage of two Christians. It seems hardly necessary to state that no Christian who marries an unbe liever can hope for true happiness. Assuming then that the two joined in marriage are both children of God through faith in Christ, there is still the responsibility to establish their home for the purpose of serving God. The Word of God sets a high* stand ard for husbands, for Christ is their example in His love to the church. Such a love is far deeper than tender sentiment and glowing passion, al though both will be included in it. The love of Christ is described in detail in 1 Corinthians 13, and is seen expressed in gentleness, longsuffer- ing, meekness, and humility. m . OBLIGATION OF WIFE TO HUS BAND-SUBMISSION (Eph. 5:22, 23). To many present-day women, the thought of submission is undesirable, and even abhorrent because of the ideas implied in that word. However, when the husband fulfills his obliga tion, -there is real delight in assum ing the privilege of yielding to one so beloved and so loving. This does not mean the submerging of the in dividuality, but the gracious bending to the direction prompted by love. In the truly happy home there will be a mutual sharing of thoughts and ideas with an interdependence that comes from mutual trust. IV. OBLIGATION TO CHILDREN^— INSTRUCTION (Eph. 6:4; 1 Tim. 3:4, 5). The' psalmist tells us that children are an heritage of the Lord and His reward (Psa. 127:3-5). They are a source of great joy, but with the joy comes a solemn responsibility. Christian parents can find much in God’s “Word to show them their duties in teaching, training, and leading their children to a knowledge of the Saviour. Happy indeed is the family where father a.*.. mother, trusting in the Lord for strength, lead their little ones both by precept and example to walk in the paths of righteousness. II. OBLIGATION OF HUSBAND TO WIFE—LOVE (Eph. 5:25).
Conclusion 1. There are some evidences of “climbing” in this love affair of Ja cob’s. Jacob, who was once a swin dler, paid double for his love. He who was impatient, and who would not wait for God to work out his life plans, served fourteen years with, un complaining patience. Previously he had shown a lack of love (toward mother and brother), bht later his life exhibited a great, unselfish love for Rachel. As a youth, he was wander ing in pauperism, but with his mar riage he realized established pros perity. 2. Jacob climbed into love all right, but it was the hard way. How dif ferent from his father, Isaac! The blessings which came to Isaac as the gift of his father’s love, came to Ja cob as the result of his own Weari some toil. Isaac had but to lift up his eyes, and behold, his wife came to him. Jacob toiled seven years, and then was obliged to work seven other years in older to win the one of his choice. There is something better than “falling” in love, or “climbing into love.” That better way is to “commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” (Psa. 37:5). October 31, 1943 H A P P Y H O M E S M U S T BE P L A N N E D E p h e sian s 5:22-28 By Marguerite Goodner Owen Introduction In August, 1935, two young mission aries met at a hill resort in China, and after some happy weeks of court ship, became engaged to be married. A few days later, after a time of prayer together, one said to the other: “Let us ask God for His pattern for our marriage that it might be pleas ing unto Him who has brought Us to gether.” . This was agreed upon, and for the next few days the two spent much time in searching the Scriptures. They wrote out a list of definite Scrip tural injunction? on which their mar riage was to be based, and each of the young people took a copy to the ,Mission station to memorize before their marriage should occur the fol lowing summer. These.two fine young people were married in 1936, and six years later a missionary spending a summer in their home wrote as follows:, “A— and G— make one of the happiest married couples. I know. Although they are so different, there is no fric tion of individualities. On the other hand, their separate personalities have not been submerged, but their mu tual dependence is a joy-to see.” '
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