King's Business - 1943-09

TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


SHORT TERM B IB L E C O U R S E S Offered in Fail of 1943

Out of the sunshine into darkest night. I oft would faint with sorrow and affright ‘ Only for this—I know He holds my hand; I. trust, although I may not under­ stand. He knows the duties of a shepherd, and He knows, too, the ways of the sheep. Are they defenseless? He is strong to defend. Do they need cor­ rection? His hand of love applies the rod. Do they want support? His staff sustains. Do they require guidance? He leads them in paths of righteous­ ness. Do they need pasture? His green fields and still waters both feed and gladden. Do they need light and help in the valley? He has hung up the lamps of eternal love all along the path, which never go out. . . . Deep and quiet, therefore, is the lan­ guage of faith, “ I shall not want.” How can I? How could I with such a caretaker and provider as God? —Biblical Research-Monthly. He Calls to Prayer “Truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ” (1 John 1:3). Let us recognize that there are times when God is especially moving, us toward prayer. In hours' of trouble,, when some new great sorrow arises in my life, I feel that I must pray. Is it not calling me, even through the pressure of that trouble, to come closer to Him? And there are times when a hunger for His fellowship makes itself felt within me, and 1 pray, not because there is any special trouble I would bring to Him, any. gift I would ask of Him, but lust because I want to be with Him. This also is of His doing. —Francis B. James. 20. Life's Pattern “Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy” (Psa. 16:11). To fulfill faithfully the duties of your station; to use to the uttermost the gifts of your ministry; to bear chaffing and trivial irritations as mar­ tyrs bore the pillory and stake; to find the one noble trait in people who try to molest you. . . . to be content to be a fountain In the midst of a wild valley of stones, nourishing a few lichens and wild flowers, or now and again a thirsty sheep; and to do this always, and not for the praise of man, but for the sake of God—this makes a great life. —F. B. Meyer. 21. Cease Meddling “Nevertheless, not my will, but thine, be done” (Lk. 22:42). Cease meddling with God’s plans and will. You touch anything of His, 19.

the sharp irony—in checking these let us find our cross and carry it. Or, when the moment comes for some really great service, the heart will be petrified for it, and the blinded eyes will .not see the occasion of love. —Anthony W. Thorold. 16. The Divine Method "As the branch, cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vin^; no more can ye, except ye, abide in .me” (John 15:4). Abiding in Christ, the very Christ- life itself abides in us, enabling us to bear much fruit. But as we aim at being fruitful, we find our need of intelligent understanding of the divine methods, in order that we may apply them in our own work. The branch of the vine does not worxy, and toil, and rush here to seek for sunshine, and there to find rain. No; it rests in union and communion with the vine; and at the right time, and in the right way, is the right fruit found on it. Let us so abide in the Lord Jesus.—J. Hudson Taylor. 17. Let God Hold “Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe” (Psa. 119:117).’ Two little boys are walking along the road with their father. One grasps hold of his father’s fingers, and finds that it is about all he can manage. The other puts his hand right into his father’s large, strong hand, and the father holds it. Suddenly they eome to a ditch in the road. Both slip; the one who is holding his father’s h'and loses his grip and goes down; the other is held up firmly by the father’s strong grasp. You do the trusting, and let God do the keeping, and you will go safe through life and enter unto glory. —H. W. Webb-Peploe. 18. The All-Sufficient Shepherd "He- shall feed his flock like, a shepherd” (Isa. 40:11). In pastures green? Not always; some­ times He Who knoweth best,' in kindness lead- eth me

Our curriculum will be arranged in­ to four 8-week quarters, fully ac­ credited. The courses will give-' maximum Bible instruction and spiritual stabil­ ity to students, especially young men about to be inducted' into our armed forces. Write for Information MULTNOMAH SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE 703 N. E. Multnomah Portland 12, Ore.

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Y O U C A N H E LP ! Our Christian brethren in Russia and Canada need our help now as never before. Send us your gifts for these Russian Christians so that we can relieve their suffer­ ing. A L L R U S S IA N E V A N G E L I C A L - C H R IS T IA N U N IO N 156 F ifth Ave., N ew Y ork, 10, N. Y. We can make good use of your OLD CLOTHING. Don*l throw it away; send it to us. W ith our “ Bible Tejct Special“ —50 beauti­ ful Christmas folder's Imprinted with name and choice of Bible verse. Sells for only $1.20. Nothing else like it. Christians ap­ preciate. Liberal commission. Also, our complete line, Greeting: Cards, “ Sunshine” plaques, Calendars, Bible Games, Novelties, etc., pays good profit to. yourself or your sopiety. •Send for returnable, samples, and free Display Packet on “ Bible Verse Spe­ cial.” (Our large agent’s Book and Bible catalog included/free on request.) Satis­ faction guaranteed. Write today. C. W. Boyer, 2101 Windsor Rd., Dept. K B Dayton 5, Ohio. Pray for THE KING'S BUSINESS Make MORE Money This Christmas

YOU WANT THE BEST IN VISUAL AIDS A new movable, realistic, picture method of tell­ ing Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline problems solved. Give it a try in your class. You’ll be surprised at the results. Children want to learn and they clamour for this new way of presenting Bible truths. You will double your attendance. Write for free folder telling all about this new method of teaching to— ST0RY-0-GRAPHS, Dept. K, P. O. Box 145, Pasadena, Calif.

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