September 1943
A Christian iriay definitely refuse to embrace the will of God—not in any great matter, it may be, but in some trivial instance. There has been a breaking away from the perfect law of liberty, an affirmation of self in volving the denial of Jesus. . . . We must return to that attitude of soul and spirit which at the beginning evidenced the new bifth; we fnust come back to the initial experience of regeneration. Like Jacob, we must return to our Bethel, and there renew the. covenant with God. —David M. McIntyre.
and you mar the work. You may move the hands of a clock to suit you, but you do not change the time; so you may hurry the unfolding of God’s will, but you harm arid do not help the work. You can open a rosebud, but you spoil the flower. Leave all to Him.—Stephen Merritt. Only Faith Knows “Jesufe said unto her, I am the resur rection, and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live” (John 11:25). Love stands numb at the tomb; sci ence gropes and seeks lock or loop hole; . . . but faith, restirig in the fact and on the words of a Saviour who passed through the gates of death and returned in.triumph, affirms, “I know that if-this earthly tent of mine is taken down, I get a home from God, made by no human hand, eternal in the heaven.” “The trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised Incorruptible.” “O death, where is thy victory?” “Thanks be to God, who giveth us the vibtory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” -^-Europe's Millions. The Cause in Hand “I will cry unto Gpd most high; unto God that pgrformeth all things for | me” (Psa. 57:2). The beautiful old translation says, “He shall perform the cause which I have in hand.” Does that not make it very real to us today? Just the very thing that I “have in hand”— my own particular bit of work today, this cause which I carinot manage, this thing that I undertake in mis calculation of my oWn powers—this is what I may ask Him to do for me, . and rest assured that He will per form it.—Frances Ridley Havergal. The Thankful Spirit “ Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph. 5:20). The shortest, surest way to all hap piness is this: Make it a rule to thank and praise God for everything that happens to you. For it is certain that whatever seeming calamity comes to you, if you thank and praise God for it, you turn it into a blessing. Could you, therefore, work miracles, you could not do more for yourself than by this thankful spirit: for it needs not a word spoken, and turns all it touches into happipess. —Heart to Heart Talk. Return to Your Bethel “Remember therefore from whence thou are fallen, and repent, and do the first works” (Rev. 2:5), 22. 23. 24. 25.
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T H E A G O N Y O F I SRA E L W i l l the Jews of Europe Survive this Torment? Poland has become the Nazi slaughter-house for the Jews of Europe. Already two million Jews have been exterminated, authenti cated reports show. The firing squads and bayonets are too slow for the Nazis, so they have devised ingenious methods for the wholesale slaughter of the Jews. <
European Jewry will be exterminated as the Nazis have threatened. It is to enable us to continue our relief oper ations amongst Jewish Christian vic tims of the Nazi terror that we once more implore Christians to help us.
. Jewish 'men, women and children are herded into pens and blown Up by hand grenades. Freight cars, their floors inches deep in wet quicklime, are packed with Jews to the suffoca
tion point and then locked and shunted off to some remote siding. Thousands of Jews have been driven like cattle into “gas cham bers,” and other, thousands, stripped naked, are herded into wired halls and elec trocuted. The food ,allowance' in Nazi occupied Poland is scarcely above the famine level. Abflut 700 calories are allowed to Catholic Poles and less than 300 for Jews, as compared to a
Help us to continue to send food packets to Pol and and Belgium. $5.00 will pay for a food packet. Un der our care $2.00 will pay for refugee support per per son per week in Great Brit ain and Palestine. We give other forms of aid to refu gees—the very old and the very young, as funds will permit. Please help us now before it is too late. More
„ . , _ Rev. Jacob Peltz
information of I s r a e l ’ s agony in the light of the Scriptures is* contained in our new publication: “The Present Day Attempt to Destroy the Jews.” Write today for a copy which we will gladly send you free on request. , If the Lord leads you to have fellowship with us In this work please send your gifts to: Rev. Jacob Peltz, Ph.B., B.D., General Sec retary.
pre-war standard of 2,600 calories. As a result of the starvation diet addi tional thousands die of tuberculosis, dysentery, scarlet fever and ^spotted typhus. Many Will Survive We have given but a dim picture of Israel’s agony, for the whole story is too horrible to put in print Yet we can not believe that the whole of
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