King's Business - 1943-09

TH E K I N G ’ S ' B U S I NE S S


B io ta Moping A h ea d into Far-Reaching Fields of Christian Service

Hundreds of young men and women go- from Biola pre­ pared, equipped, and qualified, spiritually and academically, to meet the challenge of the day. Will tomorrow find you among those who present Jesus Christ in a convincing manner to the multitudes who are lost in the darkness of sin! Fall Semester— Registration Dates SEPTEMBER 7 and 8, 194^ — Interdenominational —

BIBLE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY TRAINING Four-Year Degree Courses: Theology Christian Education Music


One-Year for young men before en­ tering the armed forces. Attend Biola and be better equipped to serve your God and country.

Three-Year Diploma Courses: General Bible Christian Education Missionary Music

(Seminary students will receive the advantages offered at the Bible Insti­ tute along with their Seminary in­ struction.)

E V E N IN G S C H O O L Three nights a week: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday Registration, Sept. 7 W R IT E the Office of the Registrar ^ “ Have your tools ready and God will find you work

The BibleTheological Seminary Of Los Angeles

The Bible Institute of- Los Angeles, Inc.

558 South Hope Street

Los Angeles 13, Calif.

S. H. Sutherland^ Dean

Louis T. Talbot' President

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