King's Business - 1943-09



T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


The Lord's Prayer By Clarence E. Macartney

Simple Talks on the Tabernacle By D. H. Dolman In giving to Israel the Tabernacle, God provided not only a divinely in­ stituted form of worship, but also a series of divinely designed object les­ sons. This series of meditations which the author himself t e r m s “simple heart-to-heart talks to God’s children” gives the reader an appreciation of the wealth of spiritual significance for the believer in each item of the Tabernacle structure and each detail of the prescribed worship. The spirit­ ual lessons center around the typical pictures of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Person and His work, and then lead to an application to the everyday life of the Christian as he follows and serves the Lord. 228 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.50. What do Missions mean to sol­ diers overseas? See page 329. BUYERS' GUIDE A N D C L A S S IF I E D A D V E R T IS E M E N T S Single Insertions at 5 cento a word;

In this study the‘author divides the model prayer into its eight significant phrases and uses each one as a gate­ way to further meditation. This is a book which awakens the reader’s mind to search beneath the surface and to contemplate the great princi­ ples of life and conduct, which are comprehended in what is commonly termed “The Lord’s Prayer.” In his foreword, the author crystallizes his own approach to the subject by stat­ ing “The more one studies this great prayer, the more one will discover hpw in its brief compass it declares the whole glory of God, man’s duty to God, to his fellow man, to his own soul, and the1 certain and glorious coming of - the Kingdom of God.” 87 pages. Fleming H. Revell’ Co., New York, N. Y. Cloth. Price $1.00. The writer was one of a party of four, white missionaries who, with na­ tive guides, explored the territory of the Xingu River (a tributary of the Amazon) in Brazil. Their purpose was twofold: the making of friendly contacts with the Indian tribes, and the selecting of a site for a mission station where two of the party were to remain’ to plAnt the gospel in this un­ evangelized region. The story of the entire^ trip, and of the -subsequent establishment of the mission, contains a vivid description of the country it­ self-—its beauties, natural resources, and hardships—and a sympathetic and discerning characterization of the Xingu people as contacted in their utterly primitive state. 196 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.50. A knowledge of the history, cir­ cumstances of writing, and authorship of hymns is always a source of in­ terest, but more than that, it con­ tributes to a closer insight into the thought expressed. This collection of background stories ojt seventy-one hymns represents an amazing amount of research in compiling for the Chris­ tian of today facts concerning the hymns of yesterday. The hymns se­ lected for this collection are chiefly those written in England and Scot­ land in the days when majesty charac­ terized what we now know as the “grand old hymns of the church.” However, some translations from other countries are included, as well as some from the early days of American hymnology. 118 pages. Zondervan Pub. House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price $1.00. Pioneering for Christ in Xingu Jungles By Martha L. Moennich Stories of Favorite Hymns By Kathleen Blanchard

êm y Qflmih When you join the thrilling Tract-of-the-Month Club! Mail $1.00 to receive 25 fresh, new tracts monthly, plus new samples and bi-monthly paper. With $2.00 subscription for 50 tracts, double- compartment tract holder'Sent free. Join now! Don't miss these good things! Tratf-of-the MonthClub,322W.Washington,Chicago Selected Hymns and Carols Compiled by Peter Christian Lutkin Revised by Winfred Douglas This compilation of hymns and carols in its present' form is in its fifth edition. The original was com- / piled (1930) by Peter Christian Lut- kin who, in the foreword, suggested that his purpose was “to raise stand­ ards o f hymn singing and to improve congregational participation.” The" col­ lection consists of compositions of the most sacred and substantial type, those written during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The leader who seeks to acquaint those under his direction with the old hymns, to create an appreciation of them, and to stimulate good hymn singing will find this book valuable. 77 numbers. Northwestern University Department of Church and Choral Music, Evanston, 111. Paper. Single copies, 40 cents. Prices quoted for quantities. ------ — Rusty By Frank Vandenberg Life with- a drunken stepfather, the necessity of working his way through school, and responsibilities beyond his fifteen years, found “Rusty” Larry unable to meet the demands of high school. Warned by an unsympathetic principal that his upsatisfactory rec­ ord warranted dismissal, he left home to make his own way in the world. How he finally made good, finished school, and later succeeded in busi­ ness, is interwoven with his spiritual progress, as he learned about the Lord and came to know Him personally. 88 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price 50 cents. Jenny is fifteen. She is adventure­ some, headstrong, and likable. In her native setting in the sunny Bermudas, she has delightful times fishing, build­ ing her own boat, missing school, and arguing with her best friends. The book does not purport to carry any Christian message. Attractively il­ lustrated by Dan Sweeney, it is a happy tale of freedom and remoteness which young p'eople will enjoy. 277 pages. John C. Winston Co., Philadel­ phia,. Pa. Cloth. Price $2.00. Jenny's Secret Island By Phillis Garrard

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THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif.

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