King's Business - 1943-09


^ % o ccyA t ty o o d 'H e c v i BY M ildred bisho p J orgenson . The thrilling story of a young couple who give their lives to the Lord for service on the mission field . . . their dedication, preparation, and work in Colombia—carrying the Good News to Latin America. 96 pages, cloth binding. Illustrated. $1.00. Publication date, September 1, 1943. Dept. K364 153 INSTITUTE PLACE • CHICAGO 10

CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SET- ting for your hymn-poem assures editorial consideration. Music composed, arranged, edited and printed. New booklet. Poetic Metre—Explained, 25c. Est. 1918. Raymond Iden, (KB) Mount Vernon, Ohio.__ ATTORNEY -AT -LAW CARLETON W. HOLBROOK, 1128 BLACK Bldg., 357 S. Hill St., Los Angeles, 13, Calif. Inside back cover.______________ B A N K IN G (SA Y IN G S ) EQUITABLE PLAN COMPANY, 6226 S. Vermont, Los Angeles 44, Calif. Page 350. BIBLE M A P S A. H. EILERS & CO., 1124 PINE ST., ST. Louis 1, Mo. Page 356. BIBLES RELIGIOUS BOOK SHOP, 352 S. SPRING St., Los Angeles, 13, Calif. Page 350. BOO K STORES LIBRARIES OF RELIGIOUS BOOKS AND Sets purchased for cash. Write Baker’s Bookstore, 1019 Wealthy St., Grand Rapids 6, Michigan.________________________________ _ BIOLA BOOK ROOM, 560 S. HOPE ST., Los Angeles 13, Calif. Inside front cover. ASK FOR FREE CATALOG OF OUR enormous stock of used religious books. Lib­ raries purchased. KREGEL’S BOOKSTORE, 525 Eastern Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. CARTOON^ TRACTS FOR S O L D I E R S AND EVERYBODY. Cards $1 per 1,000; Leaflets $1.50 per 1,000. Samples free. E. A. Marshall, 753 Fairview Ave., Kalamazoo 36, Mich. C H O IR A N D PULPIT G O W N S DeMOULIN BROS. & CO., 1126 S. 4TH ST., Greenville, 111. Page 351. NATIONAL ACADEMIC CAP & GOWN Co., 821-23 Arch St., Philadelphia 7, Pa. Page 354. CH R IST IAN PUBLICAT IONS AMERICAN PROPHETIC LEAGUE, INC. Box BB, Eagle Rock Sta., Los Angeles, 41, Calif. Page 341. CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, INC., 1507~ N. Third St;, Harrisburg, Pa. Pages 350 and 353.___ THE DANIELLE PUBLISHERS, 4 7 6 6 Norma Drive, San Diego 5, Calif. Page 356. THE DOORSTEP EVANGEL. P$ O. BOX 1-B, Vancouver, Wash. Page 347. GOSPEL ART SHOPPE, ROWAN, IOWA. Page 346. MOODY PRESS, 153 INSTITUTE PLACE, Chicago 10, 111. Inside, front and back covers. WESTERN BOOK AND- TRACT' CO., INC. 1719 Franklin St., Oakland, 12, Cal. Page 346. CHU RCH MU S IC “ SONGS OF A CHRISTIAN” RECENTLY published—105 unique gospel song specials by Merrill Dunlop, noted organist and com­ poser. Solos, duets, trios, quartets, radio and choir selections—plus 36 gospel chorus­ es. Price 50c ( “ Wire-O,” 60c) postpaid. Chicago Gospel Tabernacle, 825 Barry Ave., Chicago 14.______- _______ CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS, TNC., 1507 N. Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. Page 351.__ GORDON Ë. HOOKER 558 S. HOPE ST., Los Angeles, 13, Calif. Page 341. ___ CHURCH SUPPLIES CENTRAL BIBLE DEPOT, INC.. 1249 Griswold St., Detroit 26, Mich. Pastor’s requisites, second hand importations, church printing, tracts. Send for catalog. COLLEGES A N D SC H O O L S AMERICAN SCHOOL, DREXEL AT 58TH, Chicago, 17, 111. Page 351.__________ BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, 558 So. Hope St., Dos Angeles, 13, Calif. Pages 322 and 353.__________________________ COLUMBIA BIBLE COLLEGE, COLUM- bia, So. Carolina. Page 346.


COLLEGES A N D SCH O O L S BOB JONES COLLEGE, CLEVELAND, Tenn. Back cover. — MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE, 153 INSTI- tute PI., Chicago, 10, 111. Inside front cover. MULTNOMAH SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE, 703 N. E. Multnomah, Portland, 12, Ore. Page 354._____________________ _______ W H E A T O N C O L L E G E ACADEMY,* Wheaton, 111. Page 350. ______ ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES HOOKER’S ELECTRIC SHOP, 700 W. Sixth St., Los Angeles, 14, Calif. Page 347. FLANN ELGRAPH S STORY-O-GRAPHS, P. O. BOX 145, PASA- dena, Calif. Page. 354. GOSPEL FILMS SCRIPTURES VISUALIZED INSTITUTE. 325 W. Huron St., Chicago 10, 111. Page 347. GREETING C A R D S ^ SCRIPTURE GREETING CARD CO., BOX 9342, Philadelphia 5, Pa. Page 347. _ H O N O R ROLLS YOUR CHURCH TOO, AT SMALL COST, can dedicate a truly beautiful, dignified Roll of Honor plaque to pay tribute to mem­ bers in the armed forces. Made in sizes which will accommodate any number of nameplates with space for future additions. Additional names easily applied by anyone. Genuine solid walnut shields with fine cabi­ net finish. Appropriate heading inscriptions, including name of your church, in simulated bronze effect. Names on attractive plates and embossed in genuine 23kt. gold, cost only 50c each. You save much by buying directly from a manufacturer who has served churches in every state in the Union. Send for literature and prices today. IN­ TERNATIONAL Bronze Tablet Co., Inc., 36 East 22nd St., New York, 10, N. Y, " I N S U R A N C E " m INES7 MacKEIGAN & HILKER, 3767 Wilshire Blvd., Dos Angeles 5, Cal. Page 347. LANTERN SLIDES C. WHITFIELD SIMS, 6176 MYOSOTIS St., Los Angeles, 42, Calif. Page 350._ MARKET RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, LOS AN- geles, 5, Calif. Page 343. M IS S IO N S ALL RUSSIAN EVANGELICAL CHRIS- tian Union, 156 Fifth Ave., New York 10, N. Y. Page 354.

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