September 1943
ian Saxon, born in. Russia, who has spent considerable time in Palestine. His book is filled with quotations from the Old Testament, and because they/ are printed in full in almost every case, the careless reader, would regard the book as authentic. So im pressive are the pages—-each showing a column of Hebrew with a transla tion of English beside it—that even thoughtful people have been ta!*en in by this dangerous interpretation of the Word of God. It is reported that the well-known columnist, Boake Car ter, is lending his influence to the publicizing of the book. Money is being spent freely for expensive ad vertising space to promote Guibbory’s “ bible,” and thousands of circulars are being distributed, in no one of which is there any indication that the author believes in God’s plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. Thus it is that as this dispensation of grace draws nearer to its close, such passages as Matthew 24:24 con tinue to have their fulfillment: “There shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders: insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” Brethren, “take heed that no man deceive you” (Matt. 24:4). INSTITUTE PRESIDENT IN RADIO BROADCAST Through the facilities of the Cali fornia Don Lee Mutual chain, a verse-by-verse study of the Bible is given daily by the President of the Bible Institute of Los An geles, Louis T. Talbot. It is the plan to extend this radio minis try to Oregon and Washington as soon as finance^ permit. DIAL NEAREST STATION Monday through Friday 11:00 to 11:30 A. M. San Diego ................................KGB Fresno ...... ............................ KTKC Monterey.....1., ........ ........KDON Marysville .......... ........KMYC Chico ------ ......___________ KHSL Redding .....----- -----------------„----KVCV Los Angeles ................ KHJ El Centro ..-..„...„„„„.„„„„„„„K XO Santa Ana .....__;.... KVOE San Bernardino ........................KFXM Santa Barbara ___ KDB Bakersfield ........................KPMC San Luis Obispo..._____ ______KVEC San Francisco ...........................KFRC Merced (1:30 p.m .)....„.........KYOS
Around the King's Table
LOUIS T. TALBOT, Editor-In-Chief
the gardens of the better class are often extensive and elaborately kept. One sees everywhere the strong, dark faces of men and women looking out from beneath broad baskets of flowers or of vegetables. At least to some of these individuals, when “ the grass withereth and the flower fadeth” there remains still a beauty that is inde pendent of natural phenomena—the loveliness of Christ’s salvation. ..." Gratefully we can report that the gospel and the Word of God have not been omitted from the list of good things sent to Central America. Even before the advent of the settled mis sionary, the colporteurs of the great Bible Societies were distributing the Sacred Library, “La Biblia.” In 1849, the Moravians established themselves on the east coast of Nicaragua. The year 1882 f o u n d the .Presbyterians (U.S.A.) giving out the gospel in Gua temala. The Central American Mis sion, organized in 1890, sent its first missionaries to Costa Rica in 1891, and soon after, pioneered in Honduras and El Salvador. These works expanded, and other Missions entered one or another of the lands, until today there is a total Protestant foreign mission ary force of some 275, with several times that number of national pas tors, evangelists, and Bible women, and hundreds of groups of believers. In the strategic “ bridge” countries, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is represented by some twenty-five of its former students: choice servants of Christ who are engaged in evangel ism, teaching, and medical Work. Central America needs the prayers 'of the people of God. The country is an unusually fertile field for giving forth the g o s p e l of the grace of God. In these days when many mis sion fields—by virtue of their distance from the United States and their in accessibility—are closed to the mis sionary, the Central American coun tries should not be overlooked. "Brethren, pray for us.” “Come over and help us.” Another “Almighty God” Moses Guibbory, the author of a new book of some 2,000 pages, entitled The Bible in the Hands of Its Creators, makes the fantastic claim that he is actually “Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel before whom there is none else, neither in heaven nor on earth.” He is otherwise described as a Ukrain
This Month’s Morsel " . . . The Spirit of GOD dwelleth in YOU" (1 Cor. 3:16). Have you ever grasped the truth of this mighty statement? It belongs to you, whoever you may be, who are born again through faith in Christ. Have you realized the immensity of this thought: the perfect Teacher, Comforter, Guide, is actually with you! Ask yourself honestly: “What is there that is troubling me that the Spirit of God cannot solve?” Beloved, in these confused and ter rible days, we Christians need a new awareness of the Spirit’s presence and might. We need to pray: “Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on me.” Will you ask for His enlightenment as you read the following pages? A narrow bridge of land connecting two great continents can scarcely be compared to the continents it joins. Yet, because it is a bridge, a connect ing link, it occupies an important po sition. It joins the hands of Canada, the United States, and Mexico with those of the Republics of the southern continent. Think of this "bridge” of Central America. Though it is small—slightly less than 230,000 square miles of sur face, an area approximating that of the two states of New Mexico and Colorado — its geographical location gives it tremendous significance. The seven little countries of Central Amer ica, i. e., the Republics of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama, and the British possession of Belize (British Honduras), have a population of over 8,000,000, nearly one-third of which is tribal Indian, while the large part of the remainder is classed as “Ladino,” Spanish-speaking. Vastly important to commerce is. this comparatively small “bridge.*’ Central American countries provide the United States with coffee, ba nanas, cocoa, mahogany, gold, and silver. They import from us vast quantities of manufactured goods. In this region of natural beauty, al most every little hut of the poor has its flowers and colorful shrubs, while ‘ Facts for thts article were provided bu Karl D. Hummel (Biota. ‘IS), Secretary of the Central American Mission, Central America— Bridge of the Greater Americas*
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