King's Business - 1943-09



"But just a bund on that lever in control», u little turning, and you can 9° sixty stories with safety. That is exactly what happens as we entirely, gladly, joyously, intelligently place ourselves under the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus."

A Study in Two Parts


Spirit, whose baptism he received at the moment of his new birth, is his Sanctifier. As such, He is the One who will, in actual experience, sep­ arate the Christian from all that per­ tains to the world and the flesh, and will separate him unto all that per­ tains to Christ and the Church and the Spirit. In this new sphere, it is as the Holy Spirit infills the yielded, trusting Christian that He accomplishes His work as Sanctifier. Is the fullness of the Holy Spirit optional? May I choose whether I will be filled or not? Hear what the Word of God says to those whom Christ has saved: “Be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18). And that is a command. It is God’s will. Two Classes of Christians But with crystal clearness we see from Scripture that there are two kinds of Christians. Is it not strange that it is possible for there to be two kinds of Christians, since the fountain

formed, and flesh»controlled. The sin­ ner is part of this trinity of .evil and hate. The position of the saint is the exact antithesis of that of the sinner. Ac­ cording to the Word of God, he is a “saint” in respect to his position, be­ cause he has believed upon the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. He has put his trust in the atoning blood of the Son of God. In so doing, he has passed from the for­ mer side of the Cross into an utterly new realm. He is now in Christ, in the Church, and in the Spirit. Ephe­ sians 2:4-6 tells that the believer has been quickened together with Christ, raised up together with Christ, and made to sit together in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus.- HiS life is therefore Christ-centered, Christ-conformed, and Spirit-controlled. He is part of the trinity of holiness and lové. That the Christian’s condition may correspond with his position, the Holy

I . G od ’s P ro v is io n \ CCOBDING to the Word of God, / \ there are just two positions in X j Lwhich any human can be—one is the position of the sinner, the other that of the saint. These two positions are radically different, as the accom­ panying chart shows. The sinner is

in S a t a n , in the world, and . in t h e fldsh.* As a result,1he is u n d e r the d l e t a t ion of thè devil, the direction of the world, and the domination of the flesh (Eph. 2:1-3). The sin-, ner’s life is Sa­ tan—.centered, w o r 1 d'-'Con-




Christ Church Spirit

Sàjtan World Flesh

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