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The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is clear: buckle up! The OPP has investigated 34 road fatali- ties so far this year, in which the victims were reportedly not wearing a seat belt. There were 30 such deaths at this time last year, with lack of occupant restraint linked to 49 deaths by the end of the year. As the OPP gears up for its Fall Seat Belt Campaign, drivers and passengers are reminded that air bags do not replace seat belts and are designed to work with seat belts, not instead of them. La Police provinciale de l’Ontario (PPO) organise sa campagne de ceinture de sécurité d’automne annuelle. Celle-ci est organisée afin de sensibiliser la population locale à l’importance de porter les ceintures de sécurité 8IFOBGSPOUBMDPMMJTJPOMBVODIFTWFIJDMF occupants toward the steering wheel, dash- board or windshield - even at low speeds, without a seat belt the outcome can be catastrophic even if the air bag deploys. «Regardless of technological advances in vehicle safety, a seat belt remains your first line of defence and your best chance of surviving a collision,” explained Deputy &/#3&'r#3*&'4 NETTOYAGE D’AUTOMNE La Cité de Clarence-Rockland invite ses résidents à se préparer pour le nettoyage d’automne. Une cueillette spéciale d’objets lourds (appareils ménagers) et rebuts sera effectuée du 1er au 5 octobre. La collecte des articles lourds aura lieu le jour habituel de la collecte des déchets. La Cité rappelle aux résidents de placer leurs ordures régulières (trois articles) et matières recyclables sur un côté de leur entrée et les gros objets/rebuts de l’autre côté.—Francis Racine CHANGES TO FIRE STATIONS APPROVED Clarence-Rockland council approved some changes to the future Bourget and Rockland fire stations. Council autho- rized the director of Protective Services to add top soil/seed, asphalt, asphalt ramp, concrete curbs, sidewalk, rip rap slope, additional storm work, overhead, less the asphalt ramp and bollards for a total amount of $49,495. Changes to the Bourget station is to remove sod and replace with seed, asphalt, concrete, granular, rear doors, raise grade, overhead for a total amount of $81,082 plus HST. Council also rejected and removed from the list of changes card readers on exterior doors for an amount of $40,000, and a detox room for an amount of $10,000– Francis Racine

Commissioner Brad Blair, Provincial Com- mander, Traffic Safety and Operational Sup- QPSUi8IJMFBJSCBHTBSFBTFDPOEMJOFPG defence, they will not restrain you. Only your TFBUCFMUDBOIPMEZPVJOQMBDF8IFUIFSZPV are a driver or passenger, don’t let anyone in a vehicle be without their seat belt properly fastened.» During the campaign, the OPP will be highly visible throughout the province as they conduct education and enforcement initiatives aimed at getting people to buckle up and stay safe.

Les pompiers ont été dépêchés sur le chemin Roxanne, le 27 septembre dernier, vers 11 h. Arrivés sur les lieux, ceux-ci ont constaté qu’un trou avait été creusé devant une maison et qu’il y avait une fuite dans une ligne de gaz. Selon l’un des pompiers, Enbridge ferait bientôt enquête afin de déterminer ce qui aurait causé la rupture de la ligne. —photo Francis Racine


VISITEZ NOTRE CONDOMODÈLE Dimanche et mercredi 13h à 16h

Construction de béton Planchers radiants

MODELS ARE OPENED FOR VIEWING Sunday &Wednesday 1pm to 4pm

Plafonds 9 pieds et cathédrale Cuisine de qualité avec granite Grand balcon 3 saisons avec vitres rétractables Concrete construction Radiant heat floors 9-foot and cathedral ceilings Quality kitchen with granite Large 3-season balconies with retractable glass

Ou sur rendez-vous avec Or by appointment with

Mike Gervais 613-850-8124

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