GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
similar comment. He also noted that the Catholic school board follows a curriculum plan that incorporates the Catholic Christian faith. “Both the current and previous health and physical education curriculum were taught in Catholic schools through a Catholic faith lens,” Lalonde stated in an email. “Ontario $BUIPMJDTDIPPMT JODMVEJOHUIF$%4#&0 receive curriculum through the Fully Alive Program, that is sponsored and developed through the Catholic Bishops of Ontario, in collaboration with Catholic school boards, FEVDBUPSTBOEGBNJMJFT5IF$%4#&0XJMM deliver the curriculum expectations as FTUBCMJTIFECZUIF.JOJTUSZPG&EVDBUJPOJO (SBEFTUP)FBMUIBOE1IZTJDBM&EVDBUJPO *OUFSJN&EJUJPO JOBXBZUIBUDPOWFZT respects and models Catholic principles to our students, based on the Fully Alive Program.” -BMPOEFBMTPOPUFEUIBUUIF$%4#&0QSP - WJEFTB3FMJHJPVT&EVDBUJPOBOE'BNJMZ-JGF program based on the Fully Alive curriculum “which is not determined by the Ministry of &EVDBUJPOu MPP defends government position The Ford government suspended the new health education curriculum introduced in CZUIFQSFWJPVT-JCFSBMHPWFSONFOU which dealt with current issues such as gender identity, sexual orientation, and the topic of consent and awareness of potential sexual abuse situations. Amanda Simard,
the new Progressive Conservative MPP for Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, defended the government’s decision in an email statement UP&"1 “During the election campaign, we made a clear promise to replace the entirety of Ontario’s current sex-ed curriculum with an age-appropriate one that is based on real consultation with parents,” indicated 4JNBSEi8IFO0OUBSJPWPUFSTDIPTFUIFJS new government, they did so knowing that UIJTXBTPVSJOUFOEFEDPVSTFPGBDUJPO8F want to hear and consult parents as to what they believe should be included in the sexual education curriculum. “The final decision on the scope of the new curriculum will be based on what we IFBS GSPN 0OUBSJP QBSFOUT8IJMF UIFTF consultations occur, we are reverting to the full health and physical education curriculum UIBUXBTMBTUUBVHIUJO5IJTDVSSJDVMVN leaves ample space to discuss current social issues and it is only temporary.” Legal challenge The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) has since mounted a legal challenge to the government’s decision and is seeking BDPVSUPSEFSUPLFFQUIFWFSTJPOJO QMBDFVOUJMUIF.JOJTUSZPG&EVDBUJPOIBT developed an actual replacement for it. —With notes from Caroline Prévost
Both of the English school boards for the Glengarry-Prescott-Russell riding are taking a wait-and-see approach to recent announcements from Ontario’s new premier about curriculum plans for schools in the province. Last month Premier Doug Ford announced a “temporary rollback” to an older form of the health and sex education curriculum for all schools in the province. Officials for the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) and the Catholic District School #PBSE $%4#&0 CPUIJOEJDBUFEUIFJSHSPVQT will wait and see how the new Progressive Conservative government makes good on the premier’s promise for a new public consultation process on revising the health education curriculum, including dealing with sex education for students at both the ele- mentary and secondary school levels. i8FBSFJOBXBJUBOETFFQPTJUJPOGPS the moment,” stated Jeff McMillan, UCDSB chairman, adding that districts are waiting for iDMFBSEJSFDUJPOGSPNUIF.JOJTUSZPG&EVDB - tion about any changes” for the health and physical education curriculum, though he noted that students today need “a strong and modern curriculum” to prepare them for success in the real world. “The UCDSB expects any curriculum,” stated McMillan, “whether it is mathematics,
social studies, or science, to be current and aligned with modern realities, including our SVSBMSFBMJUJFT8FIBWFUIFTBNFFYQFDUB - tions for the health and physical education curriculum used in Ontario schools.” $%4#&0$IBJSNBO5PEE-BMPOEFIBEB Ontario Chairman Todd Lalonde report their groups are taking a “wait and see” position for now. —photos provided Premier Doug Ford has ordered a temporary rollback to an older version of the health and sex education curriculum for Ontario schools. Upper Canada District School Board Chairman Jeff McMillan (pictured) and Catholic District School Board of Eastern
See page 8 for French-language article on this subject
Au moment où j’ai soumis ma candidature pour le poste de co nse iller municipal du quartier 1, j’ai mentionné qu’il était important pour moi de dialoguer avec les résidents du quartier pour leur donner l’occasion de partager leurs idées, leurs opinions et leurs préoccupations avant de définir pleinement ma plateforme électorale et mes priorités. Après tout, la tâche numéro un d’un conseiller est d’être la voix des résidents de son quartier! Voici donc les priorités exprimées par les résidents du quartier 1 : Infrastructure — chemins, trottoirs et sécurité Développement commercial et industriel Accessibilité — aux fauteuils roulants, scooters, poussettes Élargissement du chemin de comté 17/174 Promotion du sens de la famille dans la communauté Ces priorités s’harmonisent avec celles comprises au Plan stratégique 2015-2021 de la Cité, ce qui n’est pas surprenant, compte tenu que le plan a été élaboré suite à une vaste consultation auprès de ses résidents. Je cherche à amener au conseil : • leadership et idées novatrices • engagement communautaire • compétences interpersonnelles • vaste expérience de travail en planification et gestion de programmes Je suis là pour vous. Je suis prêt à m’engager,
While canvassing and talking with neighbours, business owners, attending community events, I have been impressed and grateful for people’s willingness and excitement to start a conversation, engage, share their opinions and propose solutions. “So far, the people of Ward 1 have told me that they want to see their property taxes working for them. I agree that taxpayers deserve value for money. We are investing in our city through property taxes and we need to ensure that our investment is well-managed. I also intend to focus on the city’s essential services.” The following are the priorities expressedby the residents ofWard 1: Infrastructure — roads, sidewalks and safety Commercial and Industrial Development Accessibility — to wheelchairs, scooters, baby strollers Widening of County Road 17/174 Promoting the sense of family within the community These resonate with those that make up the City’s 2015- 2021 Strategic Plan, perhaps not surprisingly, as the plan was developed following extensive consultation with its residents. I’m eager and willing to “get in the game”, listen, build concensus, take action, make a difference, be a voice for you! It’s in that spirit that I’m running for Clarence- Rockland Council to represent the demographics of Ward 1 — residents of all generations, culture and diversity. It’s about you Let me be a voice for you Together, let’s make a difference!
SAMUEL CARDARELLI candidat au poste de conseiller municipal du quartier 1, expose son programme et ses priorités. candidate for Clarence- Rockland City Councillor for Ward 1, lays out his platform and priorities.
à écouter, être une voix pour vous. Ensemble, faisons une différence!
Pour plus d’informations, je vous invite à accéder à mon site web www.votezsam.ca et à venir à la Soirée électorale des candidats, le jeudi 11octobreprochain, à 19h, auRiver Rock Inn.
For more information, I invite you to visit my web site www.vote4sam.ca and attend the Candidates’ Elections Night , Thursday, October 11 at 7 p.m. at the River Rock Inn.
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