Family Olympics
Human Ring Toss
1 Pool Noodle per team Duct Tape
Secure the pool noodle into a ring shape using the duct tape.The first team member steps out 3-4 feet from the other team members. She/He can not move or shift their
body to help the thrower. The second team member attempts to "ring toss' this team member. Once "ringed" the thrower becomes the ringer and the ringer moves to the back of the line. First team to go through the entire line wins.
Solo Stack
15 Cups per team Each team gets a stack of 15 Solo Cups. Divide up the team and place them 15-20ft from the tables with cups. Each team
member will run up to the table and stack a pyramid using the cups. Once built they will take it down and restack the cups for the next team member. Once every team member has stacked and re-stacked the cups and is back in line you win!
Face the cookie
Each participate will receive one oreo cookie. The oreo will be placed on the participates forehead. Without using your hands and only using your face muscles, you must move the cookie to your mouth. First person to do it wins! 1 Oreo Cookie per person
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