Al and Brenda agreed to participate as they have had a positive experience with online dating. Both Al and Brenda were happily married, unfortunately their spouses are no longer with us. They let me know that this is their first time dating since the transition. They both felt as though they
would not find love again. Al & Brenda
challenges, which we openly discuss and encourage one another to do what needs to be done to help sustain our health as best as we can. We are not opposed to positive criticism; this can only improve us as an individual. We are also open to expressing our feelings regarding our spouses. Can you recall the most romantic moment with your partner? BRENDA: WOW! There have been so many, we would fill up the entire magazine. One thing we do try to do since there is distance between us; when we do get together, we try to make the best memories that we can. If I go there or he comes up to Central Florida, we have activities planned. We try to make them a new experience for each other.” Do you like spending time with your partner’s family and friends? BRENDA: We have both met family members and this has been very positive. Al comes from a very large family, that has family gatherings to which I have been included. His sister has called to make sure I was coming to a family gathering. My family is smaller, but he is included when plans are being made. Do you get each other’s feelings without the need to say anything? We laugh as we both feel we can feel what the other is feeling. We have also begun to finish each other’s sentences at times.
How did you guys meet? A site on Facebook, no particular name except Dating. What was your first impression? AL: After seeing her picture and reading her profile, I prayed that she was still available to meet others. I sent her a heart that expressed my interest. BRENDA: I thought he had gentle eyes, so I responded to his heart. How did the relationship begin? AL: We communicated via the internet for a few days, (maybe 4). After this we exchanged phone numbers. This led to many long night conversations of just getting to know each other. After 3 months, due to Brenda’s traveling to South Florida, we met in person. BRENDA: The conversations continued as if we were long lost friends. Do you still like what you first liked about your partner? We both are still very happy with what we first felt about each other. As a matter of fact, the connection and the feelings are even deeper. Neither has felt as if there was pretentious behavior from our first encounter. Are you positively affecting each other’s lives? We try to be each other’s biggest cheerleader. Daily we ask each other how was your day? We listen to the response so that we can respond. We both have some slight medical
Are you happy with the intimacy you share? BRENDA: How exactly do you describe intimacy? We are very comfortable with each other in every aspect of our relationship. Due to our distance we have to improvise with our together time. We speak at least 2-3 times daily; making sure we say Good Morning and Good Night daily. Other times we are conversing as we go about our day. I say all of this as I feel conversing is a part of intimacy. With the distance we must make sure that we do our part to make the relationship work.
Do you think the internet is a good safe idea?
BRENDA: I was very apprehensive initially about moving forward into a relationship. My concerns were- Do you really know a person you meet online? But then I asked, do you really know a person you meet in the store or a club? So, I prayed and took a leap of faith. AL: I was a little hesitant, but I felt when I saw her, she was the one. After our online chats I felt comfortable. I felt I could trust her. I constantly say if this is a dream, please don’t wake me up. What are 3 tips for online dating safety? • Follow your gut. If it feels off it probably is. • Take it slow, do your best to get to know the person. If they want to rush, try to find out why. • Don’t be opinionated, no one is perfect.
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