Board of Trustees Meeting Packet

• Residents must always wear face coverings inside the house when they are outside their bedrooms and otherwise comply with Order of the Secretary of Health 20-03.1, and any subsequent amendments thereto; • No more than five visitors may be on the premises, including in the house or on the outside grounds, at any given time, regardless of the Safe Start Phase of the county in which the residents are located. Subject to this limit of five visitors on the premises at a time, residents may gather with only the number of people per week authorized in the Safe Start Phase of the county in which they are located (currently five non-household members in Phase 2 and ten non-household members in Phase 3). A record of those visiting, including name, date, time in and out, and mobile phone number, must be maintained for 30 days from the date of visit, and is to be made available upon demand to public health officials for purposes of conducting outbreak investigations or case investigation and contact tracing. While on the premises, visitors must be required to wear face coverings in compliance with Order of the Secretary of Health 20-03.1 , and any subsequent amendments thereto; • Bedrooms or other sleeping quarters must be limited to an occupancy of no more than two residents of the house. Those sharing a bedroom or other sleeping quarters are not required to wear face coverings in their bedroom or other sleeping quarters, unless a visitor is present, and they are not required to maintain physical distancing from one another in or out of their bedroom or other sleeping quarters, but are required to wear a face covering, unless eating; • No more than five people, whether residents, visitors, or a combination thereof, may gather in any one room in a house at a time. Groups of up to five people may gather in different rooms within a house. Gatherings in bedrooms or other sleeping quarters must be limited to the two people who reside in the room and one visitor. Those gathered must wear face coverings and maintain physical distancing of at least six feet; • Sanitization of high-touch surfaces and shared resources must be completed daily; • A person must always be on the premises who is responsible for actively monitoring compliance with and enforcing the requirements of this proclamation. The identity and contact information of this individual must be promptly and regularly reported to the associated higher education institution. The fraternity, sorority, organization, and higher education institution must promptly provide this person’s information to public health officials upon demand; • A disciplinary process must be implemented for those who refuse to comply or are repeat offenders; and • Residents who are confirmed or suspected of being infected with COVID-19 or are close contacts of someone who is infected with COVID-19 must not be automatically required to leave the house. Plans must be made and implemented to safely quarantine those who are close contacts and safely isolate those who are confirmed or suspected of being infected with COVID-19. Residents must be isolated or quarantined in the house, unless it would be unsafe to do so. If safe quarantine or isolation is not possible in the house, the fraternity, sorority, or organization must make arrangements with the higher education institution with which it is associated to provide isolation and quarantine facilities and wraparound services for their residents. I again direct that the plans and procedures of the Washington State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan be implemented throughout state government. State agencies and departments are directed to continue utilizing state resources and doing everything reasonably possible to support


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