Board of Trustees Meeting Packet

Approval of Minutes Motion 20-55: Ms. Gillis moved that the Board of Trustees of Central Washington University approve the minutes from the special meeting of August 11, 2020. Mr. Nellams seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Approval of Honorary Degree State law (RCW 28B.35.205) authorizes boards of trustees of comprehensive universities to confer honorary bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degrees. CWUR 1-60-020 outlines the nomination and review process for honorary degrees at Central Washington University. Consistent with the honorary degree policy and procedures approved by the board, the Ad Hoc Honorary Degree Selection Committee has recommended that General James N. Mattis receive an honorary degree from Central Washington University. The degree to be awarded will be Doctor of Humane Letters. General James N. Mattis has demonstrated significant and sustained contributions to Central Washington University consistent with the expectations of an honorary degree. General Mattis’ record demonstrates a strong commitment to higher education, leadership, scholar activity and Central Washington University. He is an accomplished alumni and has maintained his connection with Central Washington University. In addition, General Mattis has an extensive record of commitment to the State of Washington and the United States. Motion 20-56: Ms. Gillis moved that the Board of Trustees of Central Washington University hereby approves the award of an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree to General James N. Mattis in recognition of his exceptional contributions to Central Washington University, the State of Washington, and our country. Ms. Black Seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. Presidential Search Update Bill Funk of R. William Funk and Associates gave an update on the presidential search. Although there had been concerns about whether it would be possible to develop a robust pool during a pandemic, Mr. Funk said that there are more than 48 diverse and highly qualified candidates in the pool, with two weeks left in the application period, during which many more strong candidates likely would apply. Based on Mr. Funk’s report, the board agreed not to extend the September 30, application deadline. Trustee Erin Black, the chair of the Trustee Search Advisory Committee (TSAC), updated the board on the work of the committee. She reminded trustees that at the Board’s special meeting on June 29, 2020, trustees expanded the responsibilities of the to include working directly with the search consultant to recommend semi-finalists after a preliminary screening of the candidates. Trustees Black, Nellams, and Henslver, the three trustees serving on the TSAC, recommended that the TSAC also interview semi- finalists and recommend finalists to the board at the trustees’ regular public meeting on October 29 and 30, 2020. The board affirmed that recommendation. The special meeting adjourned at 9:52 a.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the board will be in October, on the 29 th and 30 th .

Linda Schactler, Secretary to the

Ron Erickson, Chair CWU Board of Trustees

CWU Board of Trustees

2 Board of Trustees Minutes September 16, 2020

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