DECEMBER 2024 Quarterly Newsletter.pdf


Spotlight on Neuroendocrine Cancer Update - December 2024

The ‘spotlight on neuroendocrine cancer’ campaign aims to raise awareness of neuroendocrine cancer among non-NC specialist healthcare professionals. The campaign is in collaboration with the UK and Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (UKINETS).

GP podcast on neuroendocrine cancer for Primary Care Society of Gastroenterology (PCSG)

We have been working with the Primary Care Society of Gastroenterology and are delighted that they have interviewed Dr David Bartlet, a retired GP, neuroendocrine cancer patient and trustee of Neuroendocrine Cancer UK on their INGEST podcast. This is the second podcast they have done on neuroendocrine cancer, earlier this year, Prof Mark Pritchard, consultant gastroenterologist and chair of the UK & Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (UKINETS) discussed what GPs should know about the disease. This will either be released this month or January next year, we will keep you posted! These podcasts are a wonderful opportunity to raise awareness of neuroendocrine cancer among GPs with the aim of supporting GPs to be able to recognise potential neuroendocrine cancer patients earlier and so enable those patients to be diagnosed faster and more accurately.

An overview of neuroendocrine cancer for healthcare professionals’ series

To enable us to raise awareness of neuroendocrine cancer for healthcare professionals we are creating a series of overviews for different HCP disciplines. The aim of these is to act as a bite-size, practical educational aid to support HCPs to suspect and know how to support potential neuroendocrine cancer patients. To date we have created 6 overviews’: for GPs, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, oncologists, general surgeons and a general one for all HCPs. We will be adding to this series next year.

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