Among both national and European speakers was our very own Nikie, addressing 2 key issues:
the patient’s ‘odyssey’ from first symptom to diagnosis, expertise and treatment (further information on pathway can be found on our campaigns and research pages) the ongoing PERT shortages: and where to find advice and support for both staff and patients (further information and regular updates on this topic can be found on our News page)
Topics covered during the day:
Immunotherapy in high-grade NENs: ENETs president-elect Professor Nicola Fazio (Milan, Italy) Multidisciplinary Challenges in Clinical Practice: speakers included Dr M Khan (Cardiff), Dr N Kibriya (London), Dr J Spearman (Birmingham) and former ENETs president Professor Philip Ruzniewski (Paris, France) Developments in “PRRT”: Dr T Brander (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) MEN Syndromes and Challenges: Mrs Jo Grey (CEO of our sister charity AMEND), Dr R Casey (Cambridge) and Professor A Frilling (London) Oral Communications - 5 abstracts chosen from all those submitted to be presented to conference attendees: Dr N Santillon (London), Nikie Jervis (NCUK), Dr ML El Asmar (Basingstoke), Dr M Mortagy (Winchester) and Dr C Lynch (Newcastle).
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