DECEMBER 2024 Quarterly Newsletter.pdf


Professor Ramage is a Consultant in Gastroenterology, Clinical Research Director at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and a Visiting Professor in the Hampshire Collaboration for Health Research and Education (HCHRE), part of the We would also like to give a special mention and send congratulations to Professor John Ramage, who was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award.

University's Health and Wellbeing Research Group. He has a background in both cancer and quality of life research, especially in regards to those diagnosed and living with neuroendocrine cancer: leading on a number of initiatives regarding this, through his membership of the EORTC Quality of Life Group. He is also the former lead clinician for the Kings Health Partners European Neuroendocrine Centre for Excellence, based at Kings College London, former chair of UKINETs, and has been on the advisory and executive boards for ENETS for many years. He has written more than 150 peer-reviewed publications, and has contributed his knowledge, experience and expertise to both UK and European neuroendocrine cancer clinical guidelines. He has supported Neuroendocrine Cancer UK, from our humble beginnings, through both his membership of our Medical Advisory Board and his ongoing epidemiological and quality of life research: including the first published data on incidence and prevalence of neuroendocrine cancer in England.

CLICK HERE to listen to our podcast episode with Professor Ramage.

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