DECEMBER 2024 Quarterly Newsletter.pdf


Advancing Neuroendocrine Cancer Research Update Research is fundamentally important as a means of providing a better understanding of any disease and therefore improving understanding and management options. We are very proud to be using our Advancing Research campaign to have a meaningful impact on how neuroendocrine research is done. The objective of this campaign is to raise funds for NC research to support those with the condition both today and in the future. We are so grateful to our community for enabling us to fund this research through their generous donations. Thank you so much for your support, we really appreciate it.

Pump-Priming Grant

Earlier this year we funded Prof Rohini Sharma’s grant Mathematical descriptors of clinical outcome to PRRT from routine imaging in patients with neuroendocrine tumours.

We opened up a new round of Pump Priming Grants in September and awarded 2 in December.

The aim of this grant is to provide pump-priming funds to support research projects designed to improve outcomes for patients with neuroendocrine cancer. We are delighted to award them to the following projects: Role of Tumour Microenvironment in SI-NETs: full characterisation of an innovative human-derived 3D ECM SI-NET model and proof of concept study. Prof Krista Rombouts, Royal Free Hospital, London 1. Patients with small intestinal neuroendocrine tumours can develop cancer with scar tissue in the abdomen which results in surgery. Unfortunately, we still lack an effective treatment to inhibit scar and cancer growth driving the urgency for improved therapies. The nature of this scar tissue and the cancer is complex and difficult to mimic in a lab setting.

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