King's Business - 1956-04

Flannelgraph Stories * . come to life withthisV Flannelgraph Equipment

Each scene j approximately! 28 by 40 inches $2.95 each;

Study Questions on Chapter 15 1. Why the silence of Christ before Pilate? (w . 1-5.) 2. What choice did the people make, a choice prophetic of man’s choice through the centuries? (w . 7- 15.) Why would people rather have Barabbas than Jesus? 3. Why did not our Lord receive the drink described in verse 23? 4. What groups of people ridiculed the Saviour as He was dying, and what was their charge? (w . 24-32.) 5. What is the meaning of our Lord’s cry from the cross in verse 34? 6. How is the authority and king­ liness of Christ evidenced even in His death? (v. 37.) 7. What is the significance of the rent vail? (v. 38; cf. Heb. 9:6-8; 10:14- 22 .) 8. How does the placing of the body of Christ in the borrowed tomb fulfill Scripture? (vv. 42-47; cf. Isa. 53:9.) Study Questions on Chapter 16 1. What problem faced the women on resurrection morning? (w . 1-3.) 2. How was their problem solved? (vv. 4, 5.) 3. What command did the angel give the women? (v. 7.) 4. Why do you think our Lord appeared first to Mary Magdalene? (v.9.) 5. Did the disciples believe the first reports of Jesus’ resurrection? (w . 11- 13.) What did it take to convince them? (v. 14.) 6. What command did our Lord give His disciples before His ascen­ sion? (v. 15.) What warning? (v. 16.) What miraculous signs were to help the disciples to establish their min­ istry? (vv. 17,18.) 7. Did our Lord’s ministry cease after His ascension? (v. 20.) What comfort and encouragement is there in this wonderful verse for all who would live for Christ.? EMD.

[PAINTED FLANNELGRAPH BACKGROUNDS Authentic scenes of life in Palestine in Bible times — add realism, romance to your stories. Painted in beautiful pas­ tels on high quality flannel. Durable — may be dry cleaned ! # 1—Basic Palestinian outdoor scene [ # 2—Basic interior of a home in Bible times # 3—Desert scene with mountain background # 4—Typical Bible-land village scene # 5—Interior view of temple or palace # 6—Typical city street in Bible times # 7—Lake-side scene with mountains behind # 8—Interior view of Bethlehem manger !# 9—Basic outdoor night-time scène -

NEW FOLDING FLANNELBOARD — No. 4 For use on table or easel. Sturdy, rigid, durable. 26 by 39 inches open. Covered with dark flannel. Bolted cross piece holds board firm. Hooks keep board closed when folded. Heavy metal hinges, rope handles for easy carrying. $ 6 ’ 5 COMBINATION FLOOR AND TABLE FLANNEL- BOARD — The most convenient, prac­ tical flannelboard you can buy! En­ tire unit folds into a compact carry­ ing case — opens up to a large board 28 by 40 inches. Has both floor and table easel. Sturdy legs and cross bars prevent wobbling or collapse. Board covered with quality dark flannel. Extremely durable. si 2 50 FLANNELGRAPH AIDS NOW FROM: 1507 N. 3rd St. Harrisburg, Pa.

FOLDING EASEL — Economical, easy-to-carry tripod easel. Ad­ justable tray holds flan- nelboard, blackboard or pictures. 5Hi feet high when open — folds into a neat bundle 2 feet 9 in. long. $3-25

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FLANNELGRAPHS from GENESIS to REVELATION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs/ Bible characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold . . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod and fabric board folds info compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif.

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WHEATON ANNUITIES . . . PROVIDE a safe, generous income not only for your lifetime, but also that o f your survivor, if you so choose. The Wheaton Plan, in effect for more than 55 years, has never missed a single payment to an annu­ itant in spite of periodic adverse woild con­ ditions. . . . GIVE you the deep satisfaction of sharing in the training o f hundreds o f workers and leaders for varied phases of Christian service in a day when they are desperately needed. WHEATON COLLEGE Wheaton • Illinois

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Both the girl and the man are pro­ fessing Christians and come from Christian homes. For an interest­ ing way you may have a part in solving this problem turn to page 41 of this issue.

Dept. K46

Please send me a F ree copy of Pleasant To­ morrows, booklet ex­ plaining Wheaton An­ nuity Plan in detail.


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APRIL, 1956


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