Oakland PT: Understanding Herniated Discs



Understanding Herniated Discs

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Therearesomeback injuries,however, thatareeven more painful than your run-of-the-mill back pain. A herniateddisc isoneof themostpainfulback injuries that you can experience, and it is far more common than you may be initially aware. What is a Herniated Disc? Yourspine ismadeupofaseriesof interlockingbones withsmallcushions in-betweeneach jointsocket.The structure of your spine is what allows you to move freely from side to side. Every time you crunch your abdomen by bending forward, or lean to one side or another for a deep stretch, those little vertebral bodiesmovewithyou, keepingyou comfortableand your back strong. Without cushioning in between each of those sockets, the bones would rub against one another with every movement, and this would be incredibly painful. When a disc becomes herniated, the cushioning in between the vertebrae will rupture, essentially deflatingthecushioning inbetweenthevertebraeand causingthebonestobegintorubagainstoneanother. This is painful enough as it is, but can become even more painful if the herniated disc actually begins to presson theadjacentspinalnerves,causing thepain to spread even further up the spine.

Themostcommonplacement foraherniateddisc is at the lumbar vertebrae in the lower back. While it is not the only reason that pain can become severe in the lower back, it is definitely oneof themost severe formsofbackpain. Ifyoususpect thatyoumayhave experienced a herniated disc it is important that you seek medical attention, such as from your physical therapist.Aherniateddiscwillnothealon itsown,and working with a physical therapist is one of the best ways to experience relief from the pain associated with this common concern. How does this happen? Thevertebrae inthespinearestackedcloselytogether, with only a small amount of space for the discs in between each bone. A disc can become herniated as a result of injury, car accident, or even simply fromoveruse.Oneof themostcommon causes of a herniated disc is heavy lifting. Weight lifters have to beespeciallywarynot tosuddenly liftsomething too heavy,otherwiseriskexperiencingaslippeddisc.But experienced gym goers are not the only ones at risk. Every time you attempt to move a piece of furniture, a heavy box, or even a big bag of books you need to be wary to lift correctly, otherwise face the risk of potentially herniating a disc in your back.

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