Vision 2024 07 03


had a “quint” on display – that’s a fire truck that combines ladder-truck and water-pum- ping equipment – and held a “fire combat challenge.” As for other trucks, mobile food trucks supplied gustatory support and included "MNJHIUZ$IFFTF UIF.FYJDBODBOUJOBJOT - QJSFEGBSFPG.PCJMF#JUFT JODMVEJOHUIF ambulatory deliciousness of the “Walking Taco Salad”), Frozen Flamingo, Crunchy $SFBUJPOTBOE4XFFU&BUTBOE.PNT,JU - chen with the famous “Farmer’s Poutine” from their restaurant on Landry Street in

Clarence Creek. Foregrounding Clarence-Rockland’s unique contribution to the pizza genre, a competition GFBUVSFE3PDLMBOE1J[[B .BJO4USFFU1J[[B  #PTUPO1J[[B .JMBOPhT3PDLMBOE 4QBSUBT BOE#SPLFO4UJDL#SFXJOH$PNQBOZBU)BN - NPOE(PMG$MVC XJUI.BJO4USFFU1J[[BUBLJOH UPQQFPQMFTDIPJDFIPOPVSTGPSi#FTU1J[[B in Clarence-Rockland.” Partial proceeds from QJ[[BTPMEXBTEPOBUFEUPUIF3PDLMBOE)FMQ $FOUSF'PPE#BOL

Les foules ont afflué vers les camions de nourriture, l’exposition de voitures et les jeux gonflables au Parc Simon, si le temps le permet, pour le Festival de Clarence-Rockland, une célébration d’une semaine qui s’est terminée le jour de la Fête du Canada. (Andrew Coppolino)


Festival that wound up on Canada Day. The seven-day festival that kicked off on June 25 featured bocce, cornhole base- ball, line dancing, French stand-up comedy, movies under the stars and live music on the big stage. The kids and bubbles were a big hit. The Clarence-Rockland Fire Department

Brooding skies on Saturday cleared to make way for fluffy clouds in blue sky, sunshine and a breeze that made for comfortable temperatures by the wee- kend for the annual Clarence-Rockland


The class of 2024 at Rockland District High School was honoured with a graduation ceremony on Wednesday, June 26. This year, graduating students named Tatiana Munoz as this year’s valedictorian, while Ian McLeod was the recipient of the Governor General Award and Katherine Charlebois was this year’s winner of the lieutenant governor’s community volunteer award. (Joseph Coppolino, EAP) ST. FX GRADS CELEBRATE YEARS OF HARD WORK

St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Hammond celebrates the class of 2024 with a graduation ceremony on Wednesday, June 26. Alexandra Likhonosova was named the valedictorian for the class of 2024, while Arthur Kitsyuk received the Governor General’s Award. Joanna Kabemba received the Lieutenant Governor Community Volunteer Award (Anil Jhalli, EAP)

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