2022-2023 Shoosty V3 Catalog Raisonne

I did a workshop at the Deerfield Beach His - torical Society titled, “Piet Mondrian com- pared to Shoosty. The subject was chosen by Gabriela Camperl, the association’s art teacher, curator. It was a challenge to me as I never thought about the later works of Mondiran as cubism or as trees. I was puz - zled for weeks about what I was going to do. When I finally buckled down I was able to find a set of images showing the progres - sion of Mondrian’s work toward abstraction of a tree and realized Gabriela was using this exercise to identify with my own path. that is when I decided to compare my work to his.

Mondrian was a key leader in the develop - ment of modern abstract art, starting with the Dutch art movment, De Stijl (The Style), His mature style used the simplist of lines and colors to create an iconic style that continues to influenced the 20th century in both art and design. My own work using vectors and the iPad Pro is techically more advanced. My printing methods far exceed what was possible in the early 40's. Computers have been integrated into every aspect of my life. - Stephen Shooster 2023


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