Geno's Garage Catalog


FLEECE VGT Actuator Harness Adaptor Allows early 2007.5-2012 6.7L trucks to use the later model 2013 and up turbo.

68032364AA $72.95

MOPAR TPS Repair Connector Kit - Manual Transmission (‘03-‘04, 5.9L 2500/3500)

FPE-34425 $44.95

CUMMINS Turbo Speed Sensor Wiring Harness (‘07.5-‘18, 6.7L) For speed sensors #5550064 & #5550060.

68032645AA $ 69.95

MOPAR TPS/APPS Repair Connector Kit (‘07-‘24, 5.9L & 6.7L)

5299162 $29.95

CUMMINS 3-Wire Connector Repair Kit (‘89-‘93, ‘94-‘97) Fits 4327029 and TPS3930318

5394440 $ 29.95

CUMMINS Fuel Control Actuator Repair Harness (‘03-‘24, 5.9L & 6.7L)

6462204 $52.95

Engine Mount Aftermarket Water-in-Fuel Sensor Repair Connector (‘07.5-‘24, 6.7L) Also works with ‘98.5 to ‘02 fuel lift pump. Works with 3911940-S.

CUMMINS Fuel Injection Harness with Plug (‘03-‘05, 5.9L) Attaches to rocker housing. (3) required per engine. Sold individually.

3966805 $95.95

GG-RC68610 $10.95

Fuel Tank Module Wiring Harness Adapter For ‘94-’95 Ram 2500/3500 trucks to use the ‘96-‘97 fuel tank module/sending unit.

GG- INJRH0305G $31.95

GG- WHADAPT9495 $19.95

GENO’S Fuel Injector Harness Repair Pigtail Connector (‘03-‘05, 5.9L)

MOPAR EGT Sensor Connector Repair Kit (‘13-‘18, 6.7L) 2 wire connector for sensor #68085774AB. May fit other sensors.

MOPAR Fan Clutch Connector Repair Kit ‘10-‘12, 6.7L 2500/3500 ‘11-‘12, 3500/4500/5500 C&C Main harness side.

68242368AB $43.50

68032864AA $86.95

MOPAR Fan Clutch Connector Repair Kit ‘03-‘09, 2500/3500 ‘08-‘10, 3500/4500/5500 C&C Main harness side.

CUMMINS 2-wire Coolant Temp Connector Repair Kit (‘98-‘02) & (‘04.5-‘24) Fits 4954905 & 3920364 coolant temp sensors.

68052582AB $75.95

5394261 $47.50

MOPAR Intake Air Temperature Sensor Connector Repair Kit (‘03-‘07, 5.9L) 2 wire connector for sensors 4984570 & 68430063AA. May fit other sensors.

MOPAR Crank/Cam Position Sensor Wiring Repair Kit (‘03-‘18, 5.9L & 6.7L) Works with 5594275NX.

05143777AA $31.25

5014010AB $36.95

MOPAR Rail Pressure Sensor Connector Repair Kit (‘03-‘07, 5.9L)

MOPAR Wiring Repair Connector DEF Injector (‘13-’24, 2500/3500)

5143781AB $38.00

5183448AA $41.95

MOPAR Wastegate Solenoid Repair Harness Connector Kit (‘03-‘07, 5.9L) and Fuel Heater Thermostat (3900349S)

DORMAN Blower Motor Resistor Repair Pigtail (‘94-‘09)

68043086AC $28.00

DRM645701 $21.95

1ST GEN INDUSTRIES Cab Clearance Lights to Dashboard Wiring Harness (‘74-‘93, 150/250/350) If your 1st Gen did not come with roof lights, this plug and play harness allows you to add them.


DORMAN Headlight Switch Repair Pigtail (‘89-‘98)

DRM645938 $45.95

1ST GEN INDUSTRIES Dually Fender/Tailgate Marker Light Replacement Pigtail and Socket (‘90-‘93, D/W 150/250/350)


MOPAR Rear Door Harness - Mega Cab (‘06-‘09)

56051393AC $185.95

MOPAR Rear Door Harness - Quad Cab (‘08-‘10, 3500/4500/5500 CC ‘03-‘09, 2500/3500, ‘02-‘08, 1500)

MOPAR License Plate Lamp Socket and Harness Assembly (‘94-‘02)

5179988AC: $43.50

56051694AA $211.95

MOPAR Grid Heater Fusible Link (‘13-‘18, 2500/3500 6.7L)

68236141AA $189.95

DORMAN License Plate Lamp Socket and Harness Assembly (‘94-‘02)

DRM645748: $13.95

26 Ram Turbo Diesel Parts & Accessories #127

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