MAY, 1953
VOL. 1, No. S
Honoring BrnLA's June graduates, the Bible Institute Hour on May 27 will introduce senior class president Marvin Francine. Marvin (or "Mert'') is pictured with Dr. Samuel H . Sutherland (right), president of B10LA, and Mr. Al Sanders, director of the Bible Institute Hour. Mert, who joined the student ranks in 1949, is typical of the members of the graduating class. Now com– pleting a Bible Major in the College Course, he plans to attend Brou's Talbot Theological Seminary next fall. The 1953 graduates will be scattered throughout the world proclaiming the gospel message. One young lady plans to join her fiance who is a missionary in Africa. Others will be serving in South America, India, islands of the sea, and other strategic fields. This Broadcaster is dedicated to these fine young people, to the school which has made their training possible, and to the friends of the Bible Institute who have so faithfully and sacrifi cially backed this endeavor over the years. Looi' for in thi8 i88Ue ••• • PICTVRE OF GRADlJATING CLASS •PERSONAL LETTER FROM PRESIDENT
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TUITION-FREE TRAINING The tuition-free training at BIOLA is one of the things that has helped to make college possible, since I am n non-veteran with a family. WARREN CONRAD, Oakland, California (College Course, Bible Major)
HIGH ACADEMIC STANDARDS At BroLA spiritual training is combined with high academic standards. Our teach– ers are well-qualified, their methods out– standing, and each class valuable. PAT MERGENTHALER, Los Angeles (Elementary Teaching Course)
CHRIST-DEDICATED FACULTY I am thankful for the Christ-dedicated faculty of the Bible Institute who sacri– ficially give themselves to the ministry of training young people for His service. RICHARD D. HUNTER, Shelton, Wash. (College Course, Bible Major)
MISSIONARY EMPHASIS BrnLA's constant emphasis on the im– portance of missions and the challenge to missionary service directed to each stu– dent has had a real influence in my life. HARRIET NoRTON, Turlock, Calif. (College Course, Bible Major)
PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE The avenues of my practical Christian experience been many and varied at B10LA. It's been a real blessing to be president of Biola Men, and to lead in spiritual and other phases of student life. PALMER BROWN, Elgin, Illinois (College Course, Bible Major)
SPIRITUAL PREPARATION BIOLA combines a strong spiritual em– phasis with a first-rate college education. My years here have been a real spiritual preparation for the greatest of all vocations - reaching a lost world for Christ. Lms McKINNEY, Bisbee, Arizona (College Course, Christian Education iV[ajor)
clear expression of the spiritual attitude of these who earnestly desire God's best for their lives. Realizing the responsibility of the Christian to go into all the world with the Gospel, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is dedi– cated to this all-important task of training young pe~ple for Chris– tian service. For over 45 years men and women such as these have entered BroLA to learn of the Lord Jesus, and gone forth to serve Him in all the world. Remember to pray for them each day, that Jesus Christ may be uplifted in and through their lives.
Here they are, the 132 members of the graduating class of 1953. If space permitted, they could tell you of their love for the Lord Jesus Christ and their desire to live for Him. They could tell you of the way in which God led each of them to BroLA to prepare for His service. They could tell you, too, of the many profitable exper– iences that have been a part of their BrnLA training. And now with graduation almost here they could tell you of the thrill and expectancy they feel as they are about to enter their life's service. The class motto, "His Way Is Perfect" (Psa. 18:30) is a
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