1 st step impatient D etox mind body soul DUAL DIAGNOSIS LICENSED
P sychotherapy Programs
Helping V eterans
specializing in addiction recovery
3773 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33064
(866) 971-5531
Recovery is something you
have to work on every single day and its something that doesnt get a day off.
3773 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33064
W hen someone is struggling with a substance use disorder along with a mental health disorder, this is known as co-occurring disorders or dual diagnosis. It is actually a very common issue and affected around 7.9 million adults in the United States in 2014. The two conditions become intertwined and often feed off of one another. It is essential that co-occurring disorders be treated simultaneously to address their interrelated nature and the impact that they have on a person’s recovery and well-being. Sometimes it is difficult to separate the two conditions because they have similar or overlapping symptoms. In some cases, the substance use disorder comes first and contributes to mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety. In other cases, the mental health disorder may come first and lead to a substance use disorder. It may not always be clear where it started, just that there is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. If one condition is treated before the other, it can reduce the effectiveness of overall recovery because there are still underlying issues that have not been addressed. Mental health plays an important role in reducing the risk of relapse and being able to focus on long-term recovery. We can help you treat this at 1st Step Behavioral Health. firststepbh.com
3773 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33064
A ddiction therapy here at 1st Step Behavioral Health in Pompano Beach, Florida, is reflective of a commitment to lasting recovery for patients, as well as the supportive and caring environment provided by the staff. We prioritize customizing each patient’s treatment, ensuring that you or a loved one’s needs are fully taken care of. Those seeking treatment all have a different background with varying needs. Those varying needs need to not only be acknowledged, but tailored to.
W e offer many kinds of different treatment options. The following are our levels of care – each person and situation is different so please feel free to talk to one of our specialists today to determine where you fit. • Medical Detox • Residential Treatment • Intensive Outpatient Program
3773 N Federal Hwy Pompano Beach, FL 33064
With a clear mind, anything is possible. Let our therapists help you today.
Wash away your addiction.
3773 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33064
1 st Step Behavioral Health is a licensed dual-diagnosis long-term care facility, Accredited by the Joint Commission. We focus on physiological rebalancing of the individual
through medical, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual care. As a comprehensive alcohol and drug treatment center, we are able to assist individuals and families affected by addiction and mental health on their journey of recovery, from detox and assessment all the way through to the end of treatment, and aftercare.
not just a bad habit It’s NOT JUST A BAD HABIT something is a disease. Heart disease, diabetes and some something is a disease. Heart disease, diabetes and some
Recent research and dialogue in the political sphere have brought long-simmering questions about addiction to the forefront: Is addiction truly a disease? Do addicts deserve to be treated like people who have a Recent research and dialogue in the political sphere have brought long-simmering questions about addiction to the fore: Is addiction truly a disease? Do addicts deserve to be treated like people who have a disease that’s outside their control? disease that’s outside their control? While most researchers agree with the so-called disease model of addiction, stereotypes and cultural bias continue to stigmatize those with addiction because they made an initial choice to consume substances. However, Columbia University researchers point out that “choice does not determine whether While most researchers agree with the so-called disease model of addiction, stereotypes and cultural bias continue to stigmatize those with addiction because they made an initial choice to consume substances. However, Columbia University researchers point out that “choice does not determine whether
forms of cancer involve personal choices like diet, exercise, sun exposure, etc. A disease is what happens in the body as a result of those choices.” Experts say that applying the distinction of choice to addiction creates biases that justify inadequate treatment. It begs the question New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie asked during a 2015 town hall meeting in New Hampshire. When Christie’s mother was diagnosed Jersey Gov. Chris Christie asked during a 2015 town hall meeting in New Hampshire. When Christie’s mother was diagnosed with lung cancer at 71 as a result of addiction to tobacco, he noted that with lung cancer at 71 as a result of addiction to tobacco, he noted that forms of cancer involve personal choices like diet, exercise, sun exposure, etc. A disease is what happens in the body as a result of those choices.” Experts say that applying the distinction of choice to addiction creates biases that justify inadequate treatment. It begs the question New
no one suggested that she should not be treated because she was “getting what she deserved,” he said. “Yet somehow, if it’s heroin or cocaine or alcohol, we say, ‘Ahh, they decided that, they’re getting what they deserve,’” Christie remarked. HOW ADDICTION WORKS After satisfying basic human needs like food, water, sleep and safety, people feel pleasure. That pleasure is brought by chemical releases in the brain. This is according to Columbia researchers, who note that the disease of addiction causes the brain to release high levels of those pleasure chemicals. Over time, brain functions of reward, motivation and memory are altered. After these brain systems are compromised, those with addiction can experience intense cravings for substance use, even in the face of harmful consequences. These changes can stay in the brain long after substance use desists. The changes may leave those struggling with addiction to be vulnerable to “physical and environmental cues they associate with substance use, also known as triggers, which can increase their risk of relapse,” write Columbia researchers.
not just a bad habit treatment and continued monitoring and support or recovery.
THE COLUMBIA RESEARCHERS DO HAVE SOME GOOD NEWS: Even the most severe, chronic form of the disorder can be manageable and reversible, usually with long term
3773 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33064
1 st Step’s drug detox center safely helps people suffering from substance abuse navigate through the recovery process, including experiencing symptoms of withdrawal, resulting from habitual use of drugs and alcohol. Drug and alcohol detox (informally referred to as drug and alcohol detoxification) is an intervention in the case of physical dependence to a drug or alcohol, the practice of various medical treatments for symptoms of withdrawal. Individuals who have been habitually using alcohol or drugs for a period of time will develop a chemical dependency, and it can be dangerous to try detox without medical assistance. The body and brain build up compensating measures when using certain drugs and alcohol, and simply stopping “cold turkey” can potentially cause seizure, respiratory depression and stroke.
your mind
your body
your soul
3773 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33064
Recovery is no longer a mystery. There is a solution to: • The Disease • Chemical Imbalance
• Physical Illness • Physical Allergy • Genetic Predisposition • Malady • Mental Obsession
3773 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33064
Take the
first step to your recovery with 1 st Step
1st Step Behavioral Health’s inpatient treatment
program for substance abuse is part of a continuum of care offered through our treatment center. The step-down of levels of care available for individuals who are struggling to overcome addiction and substance abuse, and provide transitions
designed to progress with steps taken in recovery toward a sustainable and workable, independent sobriety. People struggling with chemical dependency and addiction issues, as well as those with co-occurring mental health problems, can benefit greatly from this type of model as it provides the structure and support necessary to make the kinds of life changes which recovering from addiction will require for long lasting results. If you or someone you care about is showing signs of a substance abuse problem, don’t hesitate to reach out today with your questions for information and support.
Integrated treatment works best for victims of sexual abuse who are also addicts. Researchers have found a dramatic link between the
“ 1 out of every
occurrence of sexual abuse and substance abuse. According to alcoholrehab.com, “sexual abuse victims are three times more likely to suffer depression, six times more likely to suffer PTSD, 13 times more likely to abuse alcohol and 26 times more likely to abuse drugs than those who have not been sexually abused.” They go on to say that one out of every six women and one in 33 men in America have been the victim of sexual assault or
6 women and one in 33 men in America have been the victim of sexual assault or rape in their lifetime. ” -alcoholrehab.com
rape in their lifetime. Integrated treatment
Treatment centers are beginning to recognize the need for integrated treatment techniques for victims undergoing substance abuse recovery. Since there’s such a high prevalence of sexual abuse among addicts, integrated treatment offers a fuller recovery for sexual abuse victims. Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is one common form of treatment. In CBT, individuals are offered psychoeducation, therapy instructing and empowering them to deal with their condition in an optimal way. Stress management tools are also helpful. Individuals can be taught to change their situations or their reactions and how to maintain appropriate personal boundaries. The regulation of emotions can be a challenge for a person who has been sexually abused. In CBT, clients learn what emotions are socially tolerable and they learn how to be flexible enough to permit some spontaneity. Survivors are also taught how to delay emotional reactions as necessary.
Individuals can be taught to change their situations or their reactions, and how to take good care of themselves.
Integrated treatment for those suffering from substance abuse addiction and sexual abuse greatly increases the chance that this person will remain sober for the long haul. They can also experience greater joy and healing than if they were treated for substance abuse alone. Those in recovery are also urged to write down leisure activities they find enjoyable and engage in those activities regularly. Clients are also encouraged to use journaling and inspirational reading to further grow in their recovery. Finally, having a supportive group of friends and family will help an individual recover emotionally from this kind of trauma. Telling their story One effective aspect of CBT is for the person to do a “trauma narrative.” In addition to telling their story by the spoken word or writing it down, they can also use drawing, painting or other art forms to communicate the trauma. The narrative can then be shared with a safe person, like a trained therapist or substance abuse counselor. The hope is that the survivor will be able to let go of some of the trauma. Healing can then take place. Another facet of CBT is behavior management training. Clients are encouraged to stay calm in an emotionally charged situation, manage their own responses, learn what limits are appropriate, handle challenging questions and learn how to prevent physical confrontations with others. According to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), survivors are also encouraged to do what they can to heal themselves. Good sleep and nutrition, exercise, and regular routines like starting and ending the day in a peaceful way are a good place to start for people from this background.
O ur Greatest Glory
But in Rising Up Every Time We Fall.
O vercoming drug or alcohol addiction is a difficult process. However, no one ever said it would be easy, right? To make sure your recovery path is a one-way trip to a better life, it’s important that you get the highest quality treatment possible. Psychotherapy programs can help you explore your past, present and future in recovery. Finding the right place to practice psychotherapy in Florida can be a little intimidating.
We would be honored to be the ones to guide you through this process and provide a treatment that’s just right for you.
3773 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33064
M edication-assisted treatment is growing in popularity and acceptance among addiction recovery professionals. And now it’s taken a revolutionary step forward that could offer renewed hope to thousands of people struggling with an addiction to opioids. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a new buprenorphine implant to treat opioid depen- dence. Buprenorphine had previously been available only as a pill or a dissolvable film placed under the tongue. But the new implant, known as Probuphine, can administer a six-month dose of the drug to keep those dependent on opioids from using by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms. "Opioid abuse and addiction have taken a devastating toll on American families,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert M. Califf said in a statement. “We must do everything we can to make new, innovative treatment options available that can help patients regain control over their lives.” The implant comes in the form of four one-inch rods that are placed under the skin on the upper arm. The implant must be administered surgically and comes with the possibility of certain side effects, but experts say it could be more convenient and more effective for patients. They say by eliminating the need to take pills, fill prescriptions and generally manage their medication, it makes it easier for people to focus on the other areas of their recovery while making it less likely someone will lapse in their treatment plan.
Sign of the Times Experts say the newly approved implant also provides a big boost to the concept of medication-assisted treat- ment (MAT) in general. For years, the idea that someone could achieve recovery through the use of drugs like methadone and buprenorphine was rejected by many professionals in the field who saw complete abstinence as the only true sobriety. Many still hold that belief, but attitudes appear to be changing. Top government officials say they want to increase the amount of MAT taking place at the country’s treatment centers. Several states as well as the federal government have enacted laws making it easier for physicians to pre- scribe medications like buprenorphine, but they say too few patients receive the medication they need. “Scientific evidence suggests that maintenance treat- ment with these medications in the context of behavioral treatment and recovery support are more effective in the treatment of opioid use disorder than short-term detoxification programs aimed at abstinence,” said Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, in a statement. “This product will expand the treatment alternatives available to people suffering from an opioid use disorder.” ] [ "Opioid abuse and addiction have tak- en a devastating toll on American families.” - Dr. Robert M. Califf, FDA Commissioner
Although the implant is certainly a new alternative, it has yet to show any increased success in keeping people from relapsing compared to the pill or film tablet. In a study of the implant’s effectiveness, they found that 63 percent of people given the implant were free of illicit drugs at six months, compared to 64 percent of people who took buprenorphine by pill. Still, those rates are much higher than the success rates of people who follow abstinence-only treatment plans. And officials hope the new implant will lead more people to get MAT, increasing the number of successful recoveries across the country.
3773 N Federal Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33064
V eterans suffer from substance use disorder at an alarming rate. It’s estimated that 1 in 4 veterans who have a substance use disorder have struggled with illicit drugs, while 4 in 5 have struggled with alcohol use. In addition, 1 in 4 struggle with a serious mental illness. These numbers are sobering, especially if your loved one is struggling with substance use disorder. 1st Step’s substance abuse and mental health treatment program for veterans is offered to provide exceptional support and ensure a full recovery, no matter what you or your loved one is struggling with. More so, you may be able to use your VA benefits to cover the costs of your care.
Get Help Today.
Im Not Telling You It Will Be Easy, Im Telling You
It Will Be Worth It.
Feeling like life is passing you by while you struggle with addiction? 1st Step is ready to help & stay by your side.
3773 N Federal Hwy Pompano Beach, FL 33064
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