Biola Broadcaster - 1963-01

Large, beautiful tomatoes will remain so only as they are protected and tend­ ed by the gardener — otherwise,, they revert to the small, insignificant and almost useless variety. Animals, too, depreciate in size and value unless they-are properly bred and cared for. Even a human being must receive at­ tention from outside sources. If a baby should be bom to a couple who were University graduates, this little one would grow up to be a wild, senseless, cruel heathen unless that one was sur­ rounded by proper, helpful instruction and good care. Nothing gets better in this life, everything gets worse. DR. TALBOT: Thank you, Dr. W il­ son. Tell us some of the interesting things you have found in nature that would prove to you that there is a personal God directing the affairs of men. DR. WILSON: It will be a pleasure to do so, Dr. Talbot, and there are many such evidences in the animal kingdom, the vegetable kingdom and the mineral kingdom. In the animal kingdom let me men­ tion that the peculiar regularity of the periods of gestation prove conclusively that a living, ominiscient and omnipo­ tent God had complete charge of the formation of life. The eggs of the potato bug are hatched in seven days or one week; the eggs of the canary bird in two weeks; those of the hen in three weeks; those of the duck in four weeks; the eggs of a mallard in five weeks. The ostrich egg, the parrot egg, and the eggs of the alligator are hatched in six weeks. Snake eggs are hatched in seven weeks. Please notice the multiple of seven in all of these cases. The period of gestation for a mouse is two weeks and for a rat three weeks. The period for a cat is eight weeks and for a dog is nine weeks. The horse is made in thirty-nine weeks and the whale in fifty-six weeks. The bear is made in twenty-six weeks and the deer in thirty-two weeks. Human beings are formed ip forty weeks.

You will notice again the regularity in the multiples of the number seven in all these births. In the vegetable kingdom, the seeds of plants which are true original plants and their hybirds occur in even num­ bers. Every cob of com contains an even number of rows, an even number of grains, and an even number of silks in the tassel. When Christ referred to fruitfulness as thirty, sixty, and one hundred fold, He used even numbers because grains grow that way. Every stock of wheat, rye, oats, bar­ ley, millet, or grass seed will be found to contain an even number of seeds. The watermelon has an even number of stripes. The orange and the lemon have an even number of sections. Even the leaves on the branches of a tree are placed there in a regular order which never differs no matter where the tree grows. In the mineral kingdom, we find that salt crystals are always perfect cubes while sugar crystals are never found as cubes. In order to show His love to us, God breaks one of His laws in regard to chemicals. It is well known that heat expands and cold contracts. This is true of practically every known sub­ stance. However, in the case of water which is oxygen and hydrogen, the Lord does a strange thing. Water fol­ lows the general rule, contracting as it grows colder until it reaches 34 de­ grees. At this point, a strange change takes place and the water begins to expand. The colder it gets, the greater it gets. This expansive power is so strong that it will burst concrete or metal without difficulty. God does this for our comfort and care. If water con­ tinued to contract as it froze, the ice would fall to the bottom as it was formed, and in the winter all the lakes, rivers, ponds, etc., would be frozen solid. The fish would be killed, and there would be no water to drink in the summer time. The Lord very gracious­ ly breaks His own law to protect and provide for His own people. All of these phenomena prove the loving care of a personal God. 11

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