H ave you ever wondered why our blessed Lord prayed? I have. Es pecially when you think of Him as the second person of the Trinity. When you realize that He, with God, brought the world into creation. He is the very Author of our salvation. All the won derful things we have were given to us by Him. He knows the end from the beginning. He is omniscient. In the study of the Gospels we discover that the Lord prayed when He was here walking visibly with men. He prayed in the morning. He prayed at noon. He prayed in the evening. In fact on several occasions He prayed all night. He prayed with His disciples. He prayed with the multitudes. He prayed alone. But why did our Lord Jesus pray? Paul, in writing to the Philippians mentioned how the Lord came into the world. It was not so much in the role of the Son of God, though God He al ways was, but rather He came to play the role of the perfect Son of man. “Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputa tion, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the like ness of men: And being found in fash ion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” (Phil. 2:6-8) When Christ came to earth, He made Him self of no reputation. This can best be illustrated by one of our military terms. When our Lord Jesus came among men, He did not pull His rank as though a colonel or a general had decided to be among the privates. He doesn’t pull His rank. He is one of them. This is exactly what our Lord Jesus did when He came to earth. As a servant of God, he first became poor that we rnight be made rich. He was bom in a borrowed manger, and died in a borrowed tomb. He came not to do His own will but that of the Father; He was totally de pendent on Him. This is one of the prime reasons why you and I are to pray. So often we become overly de pendent upon our heavenly Father; (continued on next page) 13
by Dr. Ralph L. Keiper Evangelical Foundation Philadelphia, Penn.
Featured speaker for the Torrey Memorial Bible Conference
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