Biola Broadcaster - 1963-01

billions of years of this process, a single molecule, perhaps a nucleic acid was formed. It had the ability to grow, reproduce and evolve into higher organisms. This was the start of life arid chemists have often tried to copy the process themselves.” So states the news article. Interesting how it starts by declaring what stu­ dents of ancient life believe and then closes insidiously with a positive note, “This was the start of life.” Men would rather believe such things than, “In the beginning God created.” Peter declares that in the last days scoffers shall come saying, “Where is the promise of His com­ ing?” True science and the Bible have never been in disagreement. It is when the theories of man come in that the truth of God is set aside. “A ll things were created by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made.” * * * "It is better not to have been born at all than never to have been born again." * * * HEAP BIG W IND In an Arizona city, a church called an evangelist for special meet­ ings. Some of the deacons asked an elderly Indian brother, a respected member of the congregation, if the preacher met with his approval. They felt personally that he was a great orator but that he lacked spir­ itual power. The old Indian had an almost uncanny sense of judgment of human nature. After a moment of sober thought the Indian lifted his head and grunted, “Heap big light­ ning, heap big thunder, heap big wind, but no rain!” What about our lives? Do we bring spiritual refresh­ ment to others? Peter reminds us, “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through lesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion forever and ever. Amen” (1 Peter 4:11). 29


Do we use the Scriptures for more than a mere perfunctory carry­ ing to church or Sunday school? A mother was trying to get her 8 year old to go over her Sunday school lesson. Finally she took the Bible from her own bureau and said, “Come on Mary, I’m going to help you learn your lesson and then you can go back to your play.” The child responded, “Okay, Mommie, but why don’t we study it out of Grandpa!s Bible?” T h e mother smiled, “Why, dear?” It’s just the same as mine?’ The little girl re­ sponded, “No it must be much more interesting than yours . . . he reads it so much more!” These are days when the founda­ tions of life are being shaken; there is only one thing that rests as a sure anchor of truth; namely the Word of God. Can you say with tlie apostle Paul, “That I may know him, and the power of his resurrec­ tion, and the fellowship of his suffer­ ings, being made conformable unto his death” (Philippians 3:10). h * Hr "What your conscience says is far more important than what your neigh­ bors say." * * * THE BEGINNING OF LIFE A recent article in a leading news magazine carries a story about the efforts of scientists to synthesize life. It states: “Students of ancient life believe that billions of years ago the newly formed earth was covered by an atmosphere that had no free oxy­ gen in it. Instead it had methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and other gasses that cannot be breathed by modern animals. Lightning flashes, so the story goes, forced these gasses to form complicated chemicals that dissolved in sea water. There the chemicals reacted with each other and the water forming bigger and bigger molecules. After millions or

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