Biola Broadcaster - 1963-01

T here are several very vital princi­ ples which every child of God needs to employ for proper study of the Word of God. These can be sum­ marized as follows: first, we ought to be willing to obey what we learn; second, we ought to- be willing to clar­ ify what we learn, and third, the best way to learn is to memorize. There are many very wonderful and practical lessons to be learned from the Old Testament on this subject. When Moses died, Israel had to have a new leader. In God’s providence Joshua was chosen for thé post. This man never had led- a great multitude before. God gave him a wonderful mes­ sage concerning Bible study which would stand him in proper stead. “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein, for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” What an interesting piece of psychology God used. It has been well said that the mouth is the billboard of the heart. By taking a concordance we find the many passages showing a direct relationship between the mouth and the mind, and the mouth and the heart. While God didn’t mean that Joshua should con­ tinually quote the Word of God from morning till night, He pointed out that there should be a constant dwelling upon that which is spiritual. Joshua was to be at home in the Word of God by always meditating upon it. Joshua was to study the Word of God not merely to learn or to master it, but in

order that he might observe to do what God has commanded. God gives specific promises in keep­ ing with the command as He declares, “Then thou shalt make thy way pros­ perous, then thou shalt have good suc­ cess.” What encouragement would A CRY FROM AFAR Is it because our skin is dark Our souls are darkened too? White brothers, do you have a Light Our fathers never knew? We heard it whispered there was One Could turn our night to day. It must be that He died. At least He never came our way. We even heard it said that He Could wash us white as snow, If we but knew the way to Him How gladly we would go! Some said that He was lifted up, A light upon a hill, A cross, a crown! O, can it be That Light is shining still? Was it for us as well as you? It cannot be. We know You would not fail— were it for us You would have told us so! White brothers, we whose skin is dark, Whose souls are darkened too, Must we forever plead in vain For light? . . . W E'RE TRUSTING YOU! — Martha Snell Nicholson come to Joshua and to all who follow his example, “Have not I commanded thee, be strong and of a good courage (continued on next page) 5

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