Metrics Monthly Q1 | 22

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The LM team starts their engines With the restrictions of the pandemic lifted, the LendingMetrics team was finally able to hold their postponed Spring event, with a fun evening of go-karting followed by dinner at an Indian restaurant.

Employee spotlight

About the event, visiting CEO David Wylie said: "it was great to be able to join in with such a fun staff event, which marked the highlight of my trip to the UK - not least because I walked away victorious with a gold trophy! At Lend- ingMetrics, we value the importance of staff events, especially following our choice to instigate a hybrid working scheme. We're pleased to be able to support staff in this way and reward the team for what has been a busy, yet suc- cessful year so far."

David Foster, Developer

Split into two teams, the employees of the UK office raced twice, with bronze, silver and gold winners crowned at the end. Following the races, the team recharged with curries and drinks at local restaurant Kuti's, a LendingMet- rics favourite.

David has been with Lending- Metrics since 2019 and joined the company through an unusual process after a chance encounter. Having previously worked as an engineer, he was pursuing a career in trading which led him to start learning to code, beginning with Python. Alongside studying, David was working at a local coffee shop when he met the company’s Head of Operations and they started talking about David’s career plans. LendingMetrics presented several paths available to him and he wanted to continue learning about coding so joined the team as Devel- opment Support. This rare opportunity came at a turning point in David’s career and has led him to progress at Lend- ingMetrics to become a Developer, with the aim of advancing further and eventually leading a team.

LendingMetrics presented the perfect opportunity to get one foot in the door and explore a career in development.

Above: The LendingMetrics team showed their competitive sides at the Spring event

Metrics Monthly | 11

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