King's Business - 1919-07

THE THREE LEADERS RAINBOW SONGS. For use in the primary and intermediate departments of the Sunday School. Contains “ action songs” for the Primary like “ Ten Little Naughty Birds,” etc. Usual price, 30c. Special Price........................... ................................. $25.00 per 100 GOSPEL HYMNS AND SONGS. The best hymn hook on the market today. Now is your chance to get your church: those new books it has needed so long. Special Price............................................................. $25.00 per 100 RODEHEAVER ’S SUNDAY SCHOOL SONGS. A beautiful book containing 255 numbers for Sunday School work. Selections for Easter, Christmas, Children’s Day, etc. Selected Readings. Bound in special cloth. Price 35c. Special Price........................ .....................................$20.00 per 100 Special prices to Churches, Sunday Schools, or Missions, in lots of 50 or 100. ORDER NOW.

All P rices are F. O. B. Los A ngeles, THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible In s titu te of Los A ngeles 5 3 6 -5 5 8 S o u th H o p e S treet, L o s A n g e le s, C al.

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