King's Business - 1919-07


THE BOOK IS ILLUSTRATED WITH 3 0 FULL PAGED CHARTS AND MAPS AND NUMEROUS CUTS OF THE BEAST AND SYMBOLS MENTIONED IN THE BOOK. THE SCRIPTURE TEXT OF THE OLD VERSION IS EMPHASIZED IN BLACK TYPE AND PRINTED OVER EACH SUB­ JECT. THE DESCRIPTIVE MATTER IS ALSO EMPHASIZED IN BLACK TYPE. The W riter’s aim has been to prepare a standard work on the Book of Revelation from the Futurist standpoint, and to show that it is to be taken literally, and that it is written in chronological order. The size of the type and the page ( 6 x 9 inches ) makes it equivalent to an ordinary book of 400 pages. C lo th B ou nd — P r ic e P o s tp a id $2 .50 — R em it b y P. O. O rder

A GREAT BOOK ON DISPENSATIONAL TRUTH Containing 40 Splendid Prophetical Charts, each 9 x 2 0 inches, and 22 Chapters of Descriptive Matter T h ^ C h a r t s a r e U n iq u e . S im p l e . C l e a r . U n if o r m in S t y l e a n d P r e s e n t e v e r y P h a s e o f -D is p e n s a t io n a l T r u t h ” Price Postpaid $2.50 Remit by P. 0» Order Published by the Author CLARENCE LARKIN Pastor Bethany.Baptist Church FOX CHASE, PHILA, PA.

T IT LES OF CHARTS Rightly Dividing the Word. The Creative Ages. Mountain Peaks of 'Proph­ ecy. Perspective o f Prophecy. The Jew s. The G entile Nations. Prophetical Chronology. The Book of Daniel. The Church. The King. The Kingdom. The Book of Esektel. The M illennial Land. The Spirit World. The Threefold Nature of Man. The Resurrection and Judg­ ments. Satan. Antichrist. The Book of Revelation. M essages to the Seven Churches. Daniel’s Seventieth W eek. The Covenants. The Book of Genesis. The Book of Exodus. The Book of Leviticus. The Tabernacle. The Feasts of the Lord. The Types and Antitypes. The W eeks of Scripture. The Prophetic Days of Scripture. The M ysteries.

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