King's Business - 1919-07

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S 593 now they sta rtle us. The little, chirping reform ers are always painting rainbows for us and assuring us th a t we are steadily moving upward and onward toward th e rosy ideal. They are su re th a t th e world is getting b etter and b etter every day; th e outlook is so pleasing; we m ust be cheerful and courageous; evolution of th e divine sp irit is slow b u t su re; they are very positive of this! We m ust not believe w hat the Bible says about th e d ark days; it must no t be tak en literally ; it does no t mean w h at it says; they are probing the m atter, are organizing new societies; they have a glorious vision; be p atien t; be hopeful; be happy; don’t be a pessimist! In th e meanwhile, th e devil is ram pant. Divorces multiply; homes are broken; children neglected; crime increases; churches are closed; jails are filled; taxes increase, and th e little d illetan te lectu rers go on singing th e ir lullaby of “Keep sweet, all is well.” The g reat bulk of people are unconscious of the appalling facts. Many good Christian people really believe th a t these are th e palmy days of th e church, and th a t th e world is slowly being converted. P acts do not mean anything to these people who are doing “ fancy w ork,” sw inging in th e ir hammocks, and dream ing blissful dream s of a coming m illennium . ^ 4 . .$&. .s&. a ? » T h e J e w i s h Sign H ere we have a sign big w ith meaning, and notw ithstanding th a t we have been told th a t th e Jews would never re tu rn to P alestine; th a t th ere was no prophecy concerning th e establishm ent of a kingdom on earth ,— the beginning of th e end is before us. A Jew ish Republic is assured. The Zionists are on the job. Thousands of Jews go w ithout a meal a day to fu rth e r th is cause. Many have daredyto make ligh t of God’s Word, and now He answers th e ir audacious challenge by verifying His predictions. W ill these lying critics confess th e ir erro r? Never. Before th e late w ar they insisted th a t th e re would never be ano th er war. Now they are predicting again th a t th ere will be no more war. They tell us th a t th e establishm ent of a Jew ish Republic does not mean th a t the Lord will come to sit upon th e th rone of David. Oh, no,— they are sure th a t such a th ing is not possible. He would not be so unkind as to spoil all of th e ir theories and bring a tim e of trouble such as th e world has never known! “Never m ind th e predictions. Ju st be hopeful! We have a few more societies to form ; a New E ra movement to in augu rate; all is well; God is on th e th ron e; we are evoluting upw ard; look up; be cheerful; be optim istic; th e best is ju st ahead; tak e a few more doses of the H igher Critics soothing syrup and be buoy an t!” There is, however a Jew ish aw akening to the Gospel and never since the crucifixion have th e Jews been so ready to listen to the Gospel message; never so many Jew ish believers. A fter persistent, faith fu l years of sowing now, every­ where, Jew ish eyes are opening to th e tru th and hundreds are coming to Jesus as th e ir Messiah and the Scriptures are being fulfilled.-—T. C. H.

LA TTER D A T DELUSIONS, the Supreme Effort of Satan The Biblical prophecies indicate th a t in th e la st days of th e age in which we are living, we are to expect an intensified apostasy, to be manifested along th ree

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