King's Business - 1919-07

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NES S 595 1-2. People have an idea th a t the success of a teaching is the evident m ark of God’s favor and they resen t one’s m aking any attack s upon them , saying “ If it be no t of God it will come to nough t.” Don’t forget, however, th a t th e success of FALSE TEACHINGS is clearly prophesied for th e days ju st p rio r to the second coming of Christ, and th e g reat strid es of these modern religious movements which have parted company w ith th e fundam entals of Scripture, are therefo re only an indication of th e ir in fern al origin. W hat shall we do in days like these? Whose doctrine shall we accept? How shall we keep from being swept off our feet? “TO THE LAW AND TO THE TESTIMONY.” Take God’s Word from the pure stream . No filters are needed. A real revival of Bible study is th e only hope of the church. Not only th a t, b u t we must, in connection w ith th e completeness of God’s Word, know God H imself th rough prayer. Well may we trem ble if we do n o t w alk w ith God and search H is Word. “My soul be on thy guard, ; Ten thousand foes arise. The hosts of sin are fighting hard To keep thee from the skies.” —K. L. B. I k H i O P E N A N D SH U T Doors “ The doors of entrance into th e different countries of th e world are open. L et th e church get busy and send m issionaries into these countries w ith th e Gospel.” This is th e one argum en t th a t has been found in almost all of th e m is­ sionary appeals for th e past fifty years. God has marvelously opened th e doors of th e nations and fulfilled Rev. 3:7, in which Jesus speaking from heaven, afte r H is ascension, said to the Philadelphian church, “These th ing s saith He th a t is holy, He th a t is tru e, He th a t h ath th e key of David, He th a t openeth, and no man sh u tte th .” W hat an opportunity h as waited before th e church of the p ast century. W h^t aids she has had in th e improved methods of travel and modern appliances. It is tru e th a t th e pioneer m issionaries opened th e way into these isolated, hide­ bound peoples; and the tra d e r and modern methods of civilization have followed. Over 30 years ago th e preachers were saying th a t all the world stood open to the preaching of th e Gospel, except Bolivia and Tibet. Now th e church has m ission­ aries in both of these countries. As to w hether th e church has m easured up to th is opportunity, judge ye. Many have th e conviction th a t she has no t; although we have seen some grand trium ph s of th e cross in th e past century. But now comes a world w ar th a t up tu rn s nations and brings them into closer relation politically. Many churches and societies have been burdened w ith w ar m atters. New laws are being made in different countries. W ill these laws restric t th e spreading of th e Gospel or aid it? The other day a form er m issionary said a t a meeting of one of the m issionary councils, in speaking of a certain portion of Africa, “We will have to pray th is field open again.” Africa h as been open to th e Gospel since those heroic days of Livingston and Moffatt. Shall any of h er provinces be closed again to th e Gospel of Christ? Shall any p a rt of th e world be closed again to heaven’s “Good News?” In answer to these questions read again in Rev. 3:7. “He th a t openeth, and no man sh u tte th .” But th e verse does not stop there. It goes on to say “and shut-

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