King's Business - 1919-07

THE K I N G ’S BUS I NESS 597 exchange says: “We are brought sharply to th e conclusion th a t reconstruction Is a topic th a t vitally affects each one of us, inasmuch as society is made up of sep arate individuals and unless individuals are remade, th ere is no chance of th e new age being superior to th e one th a t preceded it.” It all am ounts to one thing. Until Jesus Christ comes to “ru le w ith a rod of iron,” th ere is ju st one way to really get a t the problem of reconstruction: by a vigorous p resen tation of th e Gospel of salvation to th e individual. “ If any man be in Christ he is a new creatu re.” Of course God’s plan of reconstruction will not be taken under consideration by th e Peace Conference and th e name of Christ will probably not be mentioned. Nevertheless we are compelled to affirm th a t now is th e tim e for every Christian to be busy declaring “ th e whole counsel of God.” Those m inisters who, in such a time, are trying to m ake soup ou t of th e Gospel are simply helping to ru sh the world on to th e tim e when the an ti-ch rist “by peace shall destroy many” (Dan. 8 :2 5 ).— K. L. B. T h e f e d e r a t i o n of ckurckes I t has come a t last. Slowly, b u t surely, the evangelical church has been progressing tow ards a federation. F ed eration is in th e air. The League of Nations has been evolved for the settlem en t of world troubles. Now a federation of churches is to settle th e church troubles. Bishop Greer of the Episcopal Church say s: “W h at we need in these tim es is organic union in the churches. If all denom inations, Catholic and P ro testa n t com bined and becam e one, we would th en have a g reat universal church. In England, th e w ar has broken down some of the b ars betw een th e Episcopal and non-C onform ist churches, and in Canada a p artial union exists betw een the M ethodist and P resb y terian denom ina­ tions, so th a t th e U nited S tates is no t alone in h er m ovem ent tow ards g reater u n ity .” Bishop Greer has asked th a t a Roman Catholic p riest be perm itted to conduct one of th e Holy Week services, and said th a t he was in full sympathy w ith the official steps in th e direction of unity. O ther denom inations in th is country besides th e Episcopalian and Congregational churches, have expressed th eir sym­ pathy w ith th e movement. Here are a few of th e recent utteran ces among th e leaders in England: , „ “I? th e fu tu re, C atholics and P ro testa n ts should finally m eet in a comm on devotion” (BishoD of H ereford). , “i i we !?a,XS,a M odernist Pope, we should all be in th e Rom an Catholic church tom orrow ” (R. J. Campbell, of The New Theology” fame). , “ I, am looking for th e creation of a U nited C atholic C hurch th ro u g h o u t the w orld.” (Bishoo of London). Mr. J. Scott L idgett, Secretary of th e F ree Church Council says: Ü j “In Éjjf ju dgm ent we o ught frankly to co-operate w ith the R om an Catholic C hurch, the O rthodox C hurch and all o th er form s of C h ristian ity , w ith th is object; If th e Pope is prepared to lead the w ay, no ecclesiastical or theological difference, how ever im portant, should be allowed to prev en t p ro te sta n ts from joining him .” Two years ago a le tte r was addressed to th e Pope by the representatives of

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