King's Business - 1919-07



«■» R EM A R K A B L E R EM A R K S G A T H E R E D FO R B U S Y R E A D E R S

Don’t allow yesterday’s m istakes to b an k ru p t tom orrow ’s efforts. I Shine like a light, b u t do no t flash like lightning. A steady ligh t is far more valued th a n th e b rillian t flash which sta rtles b u t goes out as soon as it comes out. Whoso spends ten dollars for a h a t when five dollars would support a m is­ sionary for a month, how dwelleth the love of God in him? Christian Science is a system of con­ cen trated and crystalized selfishness. Whenever a man does uncover his sin, God is ready to cover it. Our Lord will no t w rite an appendix "to a volume about which he has never been consulted. The very beginning of our th ink ing m ust be in Him. We may be sure th a t we are growing sm aller when we begin to disparage humble services. Infinite reservoirs of power are w ait­ ing to be tapped by th e hand of faith. When we grow away from child­ likeness, we are in a decline. People often th in k they have given when they have only listened to appeals. We need to count up our benevolences and see how we stand in th e balance sheet which we could p resen t to the Lord Himself. There is nothing like a grace-filled disposition for pu tting th e devil to flight. When prayer is answered, forget not praise. The apparently conquered enemy often steals in again a t th e door of an ung ratefu l heart. The quality of our greatness depends upon w hat we do w ith “ th a t which is least.” The hidden things of God are no t dis­ covered un til we are tread ing th e path s of obedience.

Every sinner is a challenge to the saint. The soul w inner m u st carry a salt box— th e New Testament. Many souls are lo st because many sain ts are loose in th e ir habits. There are too many visitors in the Vineyard. The Master is w anting for workmen. You may weep when you are sent out w ith th e seed, b u t you will shout when ' you come back w ith th e sheaves. Many a man who is eloquent before a large congregation is dumb before a single individual. Not to give regu larly is not to tre a t God fairly ; no t to give proportionately is no t to tre a t God honestly. A desire to have Scripture on our side is one th ing and a desire to be on th e side of Scripture is another. Religion w ith some folks is ju st like face powder— merely on th e surface for looks. Above all, learn to acquiesce in the tru th as soon as discovered. He feeds other h earts who speaks from his own h eart. The most sp iritu al man is th e most n a tu ra l man. Christ does no t say, “ Go and address g reat m u ltitudes” b u t “ Go and preach the Gospel to every creatu re.” I t tak es an empty head to rise to the heights of fashion. If conscience sm ites thee once, it is an adm onition; if twice, it is condem­ nation. We may be sure th a t if God sends us on stony paths, he will provide us w ith strong shoes. Much weeping in - a class meeting is no t a su re evidence of much piety. A fountain pen leaks when it is n earest empty.

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