King's Business - 1919-07



to peace between th e professing church and the world. This is a rapidly grow­ ing objection to w hat is called dogma. Did th e objection apply only to th e too positive assertion by men of th e ir own opinions, th e sentim ent would be whole­ some; bu t upon inquiry, we discover th a t “ dogma” is practically a conven­ tional term for the revelations and com­ m andments of th e Most High God. Many who profess a belief in th e Bible, instead of streng th en ing “ th e things which rem ain th a t are ready to die” (Rev. 3 :2 ) are never w eary of admon­ ishing us to be ch aritab le in regard to those who reject every vital doctrine of Scripture and even deny th e Lord who bought them . We are told th a t provided men be honest, all will be well w ith them a t la st: th a t we m ust no t be narrow m inded: th a t th e re are other entrances into th e fold besides th e door (Jno. 1 0 :7 ): th a t those are no t neces­ sarily thieves and robbers who climb over th e w all; b u t it may be bolder and more manly spirits th a n th e ir fellows. By such reasoning, all power is ex­ trac ted from th e Scriptures. Instead of being recognized as the living Word of God, they are regarded merely as an o rd inary volume of advice to man, who in assum ing the rig h t to accept or reje ct them a t will, arrog an tly places the crown of deity upon his own head. Thus th e g reat means which God has appointed for th e separation of His church from th e world is destroyed: th e ligh t which reveals the continual peril and th e fearfu l term ination of the broad road is pu t out, and men go heed­ lessly on, amused w ith the trifles of th e moment un til they fall headlong into th e jaw s of th e pit. Increase of W orld’s P opulation Never has th e world previously be­ held so vast aggregations of hum an life as exhibited by th e metropolis cities. S tatistics show th a t th e population of almost every p a rt of th e world is rapidly increasing. In addition to this, th e re is a phenomenon of gloomy portent, for

bew ilder those who are honestly ask­ ing w hat they shall do to be saved, by plunging into all th e gaieties, frivoli­ ties, p u rsu its and business of th is life, as if they were to rem ain among them forever. They act as though God had prom ised them th a t they a t least should not be h u rried out of th e world as so many of th e ir fellows are, b u t should have due w arning and ample space and inclination for repentance (Jno. 6 :4 4 ). They seem to be assured th a t they will never be unexpectedly sta rtled by the dread sentence, “Thou fool, th is night th y soul shall be requ ired of thee,” nor suddenly appalled by th e b last of the A rchangel’s trum p et and th e th u n d er of th e voice of God. I t is almost impos­ sible to distinguish them from non-pro­ fessors, unless they recite th e ir creed. If God in H is anger sm ites them w ith sickness, bereavem ent, disappointm ent or loss, they ta lk of th e ir trials, and com fort themselves w ith th e thought th a t they are im itating th e Lord by enduring troubles which they cannot in any way avoid. Oh, th a t those who are th u s blinded by Satan would consider while th e re is yet tim e; would earnestly and prayer­ fully m editate upon th e words of th e Lord Jesus, and in te rp re t them by His most holy life! Then they would see th e inconsistency of th e ir position, and keenly feel th a t they have been fulfill­ ing to th e le tte r th e prophecy of the la st times, th a t men should have a form of godliness, b u t deny th e power th e re ­ of. (2 Tim. 3 :5 ). The world will allow th e statem en t of any doctrine, provided no attem p t be made to p u t it into prac­ tice. I t is only when faith begins to produce works th a t th e C hristian is con­ fronted w ith b itte r antagonism . Nor are th e concessions of th e nom­ inal church in point of doctrine, less deplorable th a n those which concern conduct. A stran g e and impious idea now prevalen t is destroying the last vestiges of B iblical au tho rity , and sweeping away every rem aining b a rrier

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