King's Business - 1919-07



supplied an unbroken stream of evan­ gelical testim ony which has been grad­ ually increasing in power; and th ere is now sounding fo rth such a proclama­ tion of th e Gospel as th e world has never h eard since th e days of th e apos­ tles. Those who are really C h rist’s seem to be strenuously urged by a sense of th e ir responsibilities: they are going ou t into the stree ts and lanes, into th e highways and hedges, con­ strain ing men to come in: th e wedding h all is rapidly filling w ith guests. Amid th e calls to repentance, and offers of grace, am id th e m u tu al exhor­ tation s to w alk as children of th e light, th e re peals forth, waxing louder and louder, th e solemn cry, “ Behold the B ridegroom com eth; go ye ou t to meet H im ” (Matt. 2 5 :6 ) while th e te sti­ mony of th e faith fu l to th e world is assum ing its la st form— “F ear God and give glory to Him, for th e hou r of His judgm en t is come” (Rev. 1 4 :7 ). Indi­ cations of th is new epoch have been growing more and more app aren t for some years, and many papers and periodicals have been devoted to the resuscitation of th e long neglected tru th so prom inently set fo rth by our Lord and H is apostles. H undreds of books and pam phlets have been w ritten on th e same subject; while th e m ajo rity of th e la te r revival preachers, and a daily increasing num ber of o ther w itnesses, have prom ulgated it to such an extent th a t it would now be difficult to find a m oderately in telligen t C hristian who is igno ran t of th e g rea t hope, even if he does no t accept it as his own. But th e masses of th e world are again rejecting God’s more u rg en t appeals and as a n a tu ra l consequence, H is Sp irit is ceasing to striv e w ith them : infidelity and superstition are begin­ ning to overshadow even the most favored countries of Christendom . It is needless to waste tim e in proving the simultaneous' spread of ritu alism and Popery, which is now sufficiently evi­ dent even to th e most careless observer;

while they multiply, men are also exhib­ iting impatience of re stra in t: and since th ey are learn ing to act together, and seem to be growing inflated w ith reli­ ance on th e ir fancied power, they are soon going to go on to deeds of impious daring. Large organizations of people, which are no longer confined to the fron tiers of one people, forebode a sec­ ond rebellion of Babel. The tim e of th e shaking of all nations is approach­ ing, and th e h earts of many are already failing for fear, and for looking a fte r those th ing s which are coming on th e earth . L et believers consider th eir ways: for th e Lord will sho rtly descend to see w h at th e children of men are doing. Callousness of W orld to th e Gospel Whenever th e Word of God is faith ­ fully preached, it cannot re tu rn unto H im void: it w ill accomplish th a t which He pleases, and prosper in th e th ing whereunto He sen t it. (Isa. 4 5 :1 1 ). Some effect it m u st produce upon all who hear. I t separates th e w heat from th e chaff: it eith er draw s men n earer to God, or renders them more callous th a n before, and prepares them for speedy judgm ent. (2 Cor. 2:15, 16). Noah’s loud calls to repentance and th reaten ing s of judgm en t to come, since they were slighted by th e world, m ust have m ightily h ardened th e h earts of men and caused th e Spirit of God to cease striving w ith them . Probably many were a t first impressed and alarm ed, h u t afte r a while, when they saw day following day, w ithout any sign of th e predicted vengeance, they lost th e ir fear: they w ent back to th eir favorite sins: they could no longer be roused as before: they began to be scoffers, and mocked a t th e most solemn w arnings: th e demon who h ad been for a b rief space expelled, retu rn ed w ith seven others more wicked th a n him self: so th a t th e ir la st sta te was worse than th e first. (Lk. 11:24-26). In th is case also, histo ry seems to be rep eating itself. F o r years God has

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