King's Business - 1919-07



company consisted of such notorious infidels and blasphem ers as Hubbard and Ingersoll (? ) It is tru e th a t some of these lying spirits, for such they are, sim ulate and tak e th e names of good men, b u t in all th e ir professed u tte r­ ances th e re is not a though t morally or sp iritu ally uplifting, and th e ir spirits have certainly degenerated if one were to accept for a moment as a fact th a t these sp irits are who and w h at they profess to be.——Evangelical W itness “Bolshevik usurpers in Russia announce th a t they have “ abolished God.” Now they should abolish th e law of g rav itation ; declare th a t two and two makes five and th a t a p a rt is g reater th a n th e whole; requ ire th e w eather to always be satis­ factory to everybody; let wages be increased to infinity and w orking hours reduced to zero, and finally make all hum an beings absolutely equal in abil­ ity and heigh t—which could be done by tak ing some of th e b rain s away from those th a t have more th a n th e ir share and by cu tting off th e heads or feet of those th a t exceed the legal altitude. W ith these reform s adopted and en­ forced, life under th e soviet regime should be one long jazz-dance of joy. Who will vote for it? The Bolsheviks are d istribu ting liter­ a tu re th roughou t th is country. Infidel­ ity and agnosticism is a prom inent note in th is literatu re . This fact alone should be sufficient to w arn any th in k ­ ing person against acceptance of the system. illl i&Sr Is “The K ing’s Business” on th e read ing tab le in your public lib rary or read ing room ? You can be a g reat blessing by p u ttin g it there. Does your p asto r g et “The K ing’s Business?” Why n o t see th a t h e gets I t? BOLSHEVIKS ABOLISH GOD The P athfinder says:

In th e temples 119,166 baptism s, and 119,400 endowments, sealing and other ordinances.” Over 26,000 days’ tim e were used by “Relief Society” women in “ temple w ork.” These “ baptism s” are fo r th e dead; th e belief being th a t no person who has died w ithout becoming a Mormon can be saved unless someone h ere is baptized” for him in a temple! The “ sealings” are -supposed to un ite hus­ band and wife— perhaps polygamously — for th e next world; also p aren ts and th e ir children; also unm arried women to men of th e ir choice (o r otherw ise) hereafter, even if the men are already married. Persons can th u s m arry off a woman w ithou t her knowledge, for etern ity , to some ancestor of long ago, perhaps a polygam ist! And such doc­ trin e s about th e fu tu re have an im­ mense influence in holding people to th e faith . “We could get no such things in any o ther religion,” they say; it never seems to occur to them th a t they cannot get them by th eirs, either! Such u tte r falsehood and deception! They are even tak in g steps against “Numerous instances of rep etition s” of baptism s for th e same dead person! LATEST PROM SPIR IT WORLD A Toronto physician and a professor of Toronto University have been using a Jew as a medium to converse w ith th e dead, and hâve published th eir findings in a book, which has been pop­ ularized by a Toronto daily paper giv­ ing it nearly four columns of review. These two professional men profess to have had communication w ith “ sp irits” living on the tw entieth plane (? ) bu t they do no t declare w hether it is th e tw en tieth plane up or down, b u t as the talk ing sp irits live in a pink ligh t (? ) we feel quite sure th a t it is no t upward into th e sun ligh t of heaven, b u t down­ w ard into th e bottom less pit. This is indicated by th e fact th a t some of th e

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