King's Business - 1919-07

BIBLE INSTITUTE HAPPEN INGS Particularly of Interest to Friends and Students

Dr. A .C . Gaebelein will give a series of Bible lectures in th e Bible In stitu te Auditorium , extending over a period of fou r weeks, beginning August 3. His program will be as follows: Aug. 3— 11 a. m., “The Christ of the Cross.” 3:30 p. m., “The S ilent Heav­ ens and How th e Silence of Centuries W ill Be B roken.” 7:30 p. m., “The Shout of F a ith .” Aug. 5-8-—8 p. m., The Book of Gene­ sis. Aug. 10——11 a. m., “The R isen Christ, The Power He Has and the Power He Gives.”

Ju ly 15th to 31st. M inisters, evangel­ ists, m issionaries and C hristian work­ ers are urged to attend th is in stitu te. The speakers will be Dr. A. C. Dixon, Dr. M. G. Kyle, Rev. John H. H un ter and others yet to be announced. The Montrose General Conference will be held from A ugust 1 to 10, w ith th e following speakers on th e program : Dr. Dixon, Dr. Griffith-Thomas, Dr. W illiam Evans, Dr. T. C. W imberly, Dr. John Maclnnis, Mrs. Volney P. Kinne, Miss F rances L. Bennett. Single or double rooms in te n ts or dorm itories, w ith board a t th e dining hall, may be Secured fo r $1.50 a day fo r fu ll time, or in cottages, w ith use of bath, $1.75 to $2 a day for fu ll time. Communica­ tions should be addressed to Rev. R. M. Honeyman, Montrose, Pa. The studen ts of th e Evening School of th e Bible In stitu te have only lim ited tim e fo r practical work, because of w orking du ring th e day to m aintain themselves, yet they have du ring the p ast th ree months given ou t 442 te sta­ ments, talk ed w ith 872 persons about salvation, given ou t 6432 tra c ts and have led 83 to accept Christ as a per­ sonal Savior. Rev. Angus Matheson, pastor of the E ast Side P resby terian Church, Stock- ton, Calif. , w riting concerning the meetings recently held th e re by Rev. W. P. Nicholson, th e In stitu te Evan­ gelist says: “ In his fearless and force­ ful presentation of th e tru th , he com­ mended him self to every m an’s con­ science in th e sigh t of God. It was a pleasure to listen to his clear-cut mes­ sages. I have never had an evangelist in my pu lp it during my tw enty years

3:30 p. m., “ Coming— the League of Nations and W hat it will Mean for th e W orld.” 7:30 p. m., “ Come and See.”

Aug. 12-15— 8 p. m., Book of Exodus. Aug. 17— 11 a. m., “The Empty Throne on E a rth and How Some Day I t W ill Be F illed .”

3:30 p. m., “The Apostasy: Its Beginning, P rogress and End. The Call of God to His People.” 7:30 p. m., “The L ast Beati­ tud es.”

Aug 19-22— 8 p. m., Book of Leviticus. Aug. 24— 11 a. m., “The Holy Spirit and H is W ork.” 3:30 p. m., “ Behold, I Make All Things New.” 7:30 p. m., “The Exceeding G reatness of H is Power.” Aug. 26-29— 8 p. m., The G reat P ro­ phecies of Isaiah.

The M inisterial In stitu te to be held a t Montrose, Pa., under th e auspices of th e Bible In stitu te will convene from

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