King's Business - 1919-07



Married, April 28, a t San Anselmo, Calif., Edw ard H. Osborn ( ’16) and Miss Helen Hope B lair. Miss B lair is a daugh ter of Rev. J. E. B lair, pastor of th e F irs t P resby terian church of Marsh­ field, Ore. Mrs. M argaret Wyman, a form er stu ­ dent, w rites: “The K in g ’s Business has grown very dear to me, especially du ring th is eight months of sickness. Many of th e p atien ts are enjoying it w ith me.” Mrs. Wyman is in th e Sani­ tarium a t A lta Loma, Calif. Dr. Torrey, dean of th e In stitu te, expects to visit th e m issionaries in China th is summer. H arry P. H erdman, a form er stud en t now located in K ijabe, E ast Africa, asks prayer especially for the native Chris­ tian s who have so recently come ou t of heathendom w ith all th e vile customs. Their tem ptations, he says, are exceed­ ingly heavy, and can only be m et as C hristian people ask th e Lord on th e ir behalf th a t His grace m ight fortify them . Edith H arris, ’17, located a t Chania Bridge, B ritish E ast Africa, says: “The work here is being g reatly blessed. L ast week we received perm ission to begin a g irl’s home. Dr. Allen w ants to begin a hospital here. Medical work is essen­ tial, and is often a means of reaching a soul. P ray th a t God may speedily open the way for it.” Mildred Lee, ’17, says: “I am teach­ ing h ere a t San Pedro, Bolivia, and enjoying th e work. I h ave seventeen girls, and I wish you would pray th a t every one may accept Jesu s Christ. Three have already accepted H im .” Muriel Boone, ’16, w rites from Nan­ king, China: “Our P resbyterian G irl’s School in Nanking, very much needed a helper, so they invited me to live in the ladies’ house next door to th e school and spend my mornings going to lan­ guage school and my afternoons teach­ ing in the g irl’s school. We have about 100 girls, and it has been so in te rest­ ing to be w ith then! th is y ear.”

M R. A N D M R S. K E N N E TH POW LISON Recently Married in Bolivia, S. A .

Ray Macafee, a stud en t w ith the American forces, is a t p resen t located a t Bad, Germany, although he w rites th a t he is far from being “in bad.” He is homesick to get back to B. I. and would appreciate cards from his friends. H eadqu arters Troop, 4th Div., A. P. O., 746, A. E. F. Rev. H. M. Roberts of Neillsville, Wise., w rites, “We have received into th e church th is year 27 new members. We .are closing the year free of debt and have a balance in th e trea su ry .” Miss E d ith Menzer, now Religious W ork D irector of Sherman In stitu te for Indian boys and girls, tells of the g rea t progress of her work. E igh t Sun­ day School classes meet each Sunday. A decision day was recently held when 84 made a public profession of Christ.

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