King's Business - 1919-07


was good fo r my soul, my tribu lation s were heavy upon me and th e load was fa st becoming too heavy for me to carry alone, bu t w ith Jesus, all heaviness and th e burden of life is easy. He removes th e burden and carries it for me and leadeth me in green pastures. Oh, to be more like Him, and follow in the stra ig h t way. Life is more tolerable in th e low liest h u t w ith Jesus to guide and commune w ith, th a n in a palace w ithout God. So p ray for me b ro th er — and may God continue to bless th e efforts of you and your in stitu tion and th e fine fellows I m et a t th e F ish er­ men’s Club.” Our Noon-day prayer meetings have been proving a g reat blessing to many. Many have signed up w ith th e Pocket Testam ent and we are asking th a t you will pray, th a t God will lay it upon the h earts of those who can to give cheer­ fully for th is Pocket Testam ent work at Biola Hall.— M. H. Reynolds, Supt. How th e Gospel Satisfies .H earts However d ark and depressing the world outlook as th e Christian beholds it today, am id th e tu rm o il of national upheaval both abroad arid a t our own doors as we cannot WORK IN sh u t our ears to th e THE SHOPS ever swelling wave of lawlessness, carnage and death w ith kingdoms to ttering , sovereigns in perplexity, statesm en com­ ing to th e end of all diplomatic schemes and methods for peace and safety w ith men’s h earts failing them for fear look­ ing a fte r those things which are com­ ing upon th e -e a rth ; if is indeed refresh ­ ing to take the upward look and know th e re is no disturbance; su rp rise or

A Beacon L igh t in a D ark W orld God has been very good to us th is past month and has given us no t a few men fo r Himself. We have seen men and women w ith te ars stream ing down th e ir faces, confess WORK AT Jesus not only as Sav- BIOLA HALL lour b u t Lord and Mas­ ter. Despite th e many difficulties in reaching those who are gospel hardened we find a g reat many who are w illing to receive th e Word w ith gladness. A few days ago a le tte r came from one of these who was led hack into th e ligh t and joyous lib erty of Jesus only two weeks ago, which is one of th e b rig h t spots in our m onth’s work as you will see from th e following ex tract: “My d ear Mr.---------- :— Replying to your kind le tte r I w an t to th a n k you and do th a n k God for th e Beacon L ights which are bu rn ing so b righ tly in this sin cursed world th a t when th e lost sheep of th e house of Israel seemingly m u st give up in despair, th e re is a way provided and it is such a blessed feel­ ing to again find a little camp of tru e soldiers ready and glad to help the lost one back into th e rig h t way. My Sav­ iour found and converted me nine years ago b u t th e way is narrow and stra ig h t and I had w ilfully lo st th e path. My sins had almost overcome me. I heard H is voice b u t I would not— un til I was led of th e Sp irit into your camp th a t day. I had begun to lose faith in my fellow man as well as in God— it all goes hand in hand. Our faith in man ceases w ith faith in th e living God. ■ I had ceased to see or look for good and in th e same m easure I had become blind to all good, b u t th e chastisement

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